
LAN frag movie by ABRA

Created 19th May 2009 @ 09:40

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Well, you should know it Abra, I guess you’ve done some research.



I honestly don’t see the point in allowing people banned from the competition to have continued access to the forums; it just creates situations of constant inflammatory topics and remarks being traded back and forth.


And what the problem of those topics?They dont give u live?Dont enter then…

And some body Like it btw. Me for example.
Just to see limits of human dissembling…


– no sinh
– low-fps config
– no effects

Yeah,my fail.Have no time and wish :(

and also but maybe it is just personal – every 3rd frag was made SOOO close, that enemy just couldn’t live from close dmg

Yeah,my style :p

My english is bad, so i can’t tell you everything about it

No problems,my english is the same :)



The main problem with this topic is that you made it specifically to stir shit up :)



i mean ))


What are you trying to prove? You and kondor are not proving anything.

There are cheats which are made ESPECIALLY for LANs. Of course there won’t be anything visual, no wallhack etc, but you could still have an aimbot, and specs won’t see anything if you are smart.

Maybe you should stop trying and finally admit that you are a cheater.

Are you suggesting that Abra and KondoR were using a “lan aimbot” at this lan or in their frag movies? /exec ventrilo.exe ftw.

Personally I’m curious as to what evidence the etf2l admins came up with when deciding whether or not Abra + KondoR were using aimbot. To me they seem totally legitimate.

Was it simply subjective judgement of some POV demo’s from games they’ve played, or do you actually have some dirt on these guys, actual evidence from anti-cheat logs, blatant screenshots etc?



I didn’t really want to add to this thread but, Kovacs post rings true.
I find it really really hard to believe that both these guys had the balls to go to such a major LAN with the intention of using aimbots and winning the competition. You need some serious cajones for that. Also, someone posted that it was TUP competition too, so it’s even harder to believe that that downloaded an aimbot into these computers to play. Would people really go to such lengths. Call me naive.

Also, I know the guy doesn’t have the firmest grasp of English, so some of his post comes across as arrogant. I doubt it’s intentional. I think he’s just trying to prove his innocence to the ETF2L admins.
I’m not a fanboy or anything, I just find it hard to believe that they used aimbots at the LAN.



dont lock this thread now like the last Abra fragmove.. its starting to get intresting :>



Using aimbot @ lan
yep, when everybody r looking at them after they got banned

Maaaaan, get real :P



I didn’t really want to add to this thread but, Kovacs post rings true.
I find it really really hard to believe that both these guys had the balls to go to such a major LAN with the intention of using aimbots and winning the competition. You need some serious cajones for that. Also, someone posted that it was TUP competition too, so it’s even harder to believe that that downloaded an aimbot into these computers to play. Would people really go to such lengths. Call me naive.

Also, I know the guy doesn’t have the firmest grasp of English, so some of his post comes across as arrogant. I doubt it’s intentional. I think he’s just trying to prove his innocence to the ETF2L admins.
I’m not a fanboy or anything, I just find it hard to believe that they used aimbots at the LAN.

to add more drama:

We (dmg. team ((KondoR included)) ) played the majority of matches on arena stage with large LCD display connected to each PC (you can see them on screenshots in 1st post), so everything, what player was doing on PC – it was opened for public => noway for cheats ;)

Other teams (like abra’s one), which played in common hall, were opened for spectators too.

About movie:

Its quite same with online movie and there are pretty good frags.


“I think he’s just trying to prove his innocence to the ETF2L admins”
This mission impossible…Thats why KondoR dont even post his demos or movie himself..

The mission was to force ppl think about it.
All must understand that etf2l owners can own any team any time by banning your teammate and destroy all points in table..


But we are playing for fun,dont we?
They leave me without fun :/

I also didn’t want to post but here’s my two cents:

Abra and KondoR were banned by the ETF2L admins. They claim to know these players >DEFINITELY< hack. I for one fully trust the admins decisions – even if KondoR and Abra made an appearance at lan.
If, in this community, we were to NOT trust the admins of our largest league in europe, we’re going to end up like the Counter-Strike community where, in every game, there is either a rage quit and/or insult.
If we manage to be quiet – EVEN if our opinion is DIFFERENT to that of an admins – we will be able to keep a stable community and keep getting decent rewards for it (UKeSA, community lan etc).

I for one never thought KondoR hacked and still don’t, but I haven’t been ranting on with it like a little three year old after losing his rattle. This thread deserves to be locked and – hacks or no hacks – everybody banned from ETF2L for hacking should be banned from the forum if they’re causing this much shit in our community.





first time shintaz has managed to post without the thought of a bunch of dicks in feathercaps dancing entering his head tbh



yep yep.

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