
Help on using the smoother/edit demo

Created 23rd June 2008 @ 02:16

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wanted to ask if anyone is experienced with using the Demo smoother or the demo edit function.
I for example need to know if its possible to switch between normal first-person mode to smoothed camera mode, without hud etc. (Its possible to do that via the “PlayCommands” edit function, if you enter r_drawviewmodels 0 and cl_drawhud 0 there). Its hard to get a smooth crossover, cause my smoothed camera is never exactly at the same point as my “face” was. I also read that there is a function which allows me to change the fov, but I didnt get it to work. Would be cool to zoom in the fov when changing to the smoothed part.
Hope you can help :-) regards, Ypsy.



havent had a chance to try it myself yet, but there is a good tutorial here:



Still stuck, plz respond

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