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Competitive CFG comparison video

Created 10th February 2014 @ 22:33

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Quoted from MEGAMIDDIE


Well no, because you don’t know what skins your enemies/teammates might be running?

Sv_pure 1 is like a whitelist. You can decide what custom things ae allowed so no. The other players couldn’t run something else



Quoted from Bona

Sv_pure 1 is like a whitelist. You can decide what custom things ae allowed so no. The other players couldn’t run something else

Look, there isn’t really anything to be discussed about here,
ETF2L states that sv_pure 2 is required on every match server, so that’s that.
Also don’t feel attacked by this, I am just pointing out that discussing this fact is futile.

5.5 Servers must be started with “-sv_pure”

Match servers must have the parameter “-sv_pure” or “-sv_pure 2″ in the launch options to support the sv_pure setting. sv_pure must be set to 2 in all ETF2L competitions.


Last edited by Genmix,



Quoted from Genmix


Look, there isn’t really anything to be discussed about here,
ETF2L states that sv_pure 2 is required on every match server, so that’s that.
Also don’t feel attacked by this, I am just pointing out that discussing this fact is futile.

I don’t feel attacked, I was just hoping that there might be a way I could have my sexy flat textures on matches (because it’s not like I play better with them, just looks nore cartoony imo) but apperently not :'( I’ll set my server on sv_pure 2 in the future, sorry for the inconvience ;)



Def loss, pls.


Quoted from Bona

I don’t feel attacked, I was just hoping that there might be a way I could have my sexy flat textures on matches

You’re right that is a totally reasonable reason to not follow the rules, I personally like playing with the direct hit which is why I use the wrong whitelist when I launch my server, it’s not like its overpowered or anything so it’s ok I’m not following the rules.


(Legendary Ratehacks)

If u want quake like grafics just use open plugin dont mess around with servercfgs

I mean what could possibly go wrong

Last edited by smziii,

Spike Himself


Quoted from Bona

whenever I run etf2l, sv_pure remains on 1, not 2. so what is up with that?

As Genmix pointed out – tell your server provider to add “-sv_pure” or “-sv_pure 2” to the server’s startup parameters.

As for the folks linking to supposedly invalid matches; I think I did say “you risk getting your match invalidated”. Take from that what you will – or just read the rules :)



Quoted from hr

You’re right that is a totally reasonable reason to not follow the rules, I personally like playing with the direct hit which is why I use the wrong whitelist when I launch my server, it’s not like its overpowered or anything so it’s ok I’m not following the rules.

Changing textures is not adding a gane mechanic. I also used the right server configs. Apperently sv_pure can’t be overwritten through rcon and must be placed in the base command line. I wasn’t aware of this and I didn’t use or changed any configs from etf2l for matches. So you are right, your comparison is 100% the same as my story.



Do any server providers not use -sv_pure as standard?



rip open



Quoted from ondkaja


Since steampipe update you need to launch the server with -sv_pure launch param to enable pure 2.


Here’s a match where he used incorrect server settings: http://etf2l.org/matches/46498/

please invalidate it.


Last edited by SorroW,



Quoted from fraac

Do any server providers not use -sv_pure as standard?

Gameservers has sv_pure 0 as standard


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

Quoted from Spike Himself

[…]As for the folks linking to supposedly invalid matches; I think I did say “you risk getting your match invalidated”. Take from that what you will – or just read the rules :)

ETF2L in a nutshell: Not enforcing written out rules & applying made up rules.


Quoted from skeej


ETF2L in a nutshell: Not enforcing written out rules & applying made up rules.

:D why is this STILL going on

Spike Himself


Quoted from skeej


ETF2L in a nutshell: Not enforcing written out rules & applying made up rules.

ETF2L community in a nutshell: Bashing admins in the most uninformed way possible.
(ok, to be entirely fair, that actually only applies to a minority)

It’s a community league, folks. If a rule appears incorrect or odd, create a discussion thread about it!

As for this particular case; we cannot possibly validate server settings for each and every match played, so it’s up to the teams to verify everything is ok. If you find something wrong, you can contact an admin and the case can be investigated. If you don’t, then nobody will ever know. If you only find out a week or more later that something may or may not have been wrong in a game, then evidently it was not a big deal. Still, if you feel a player performed suspiciously well or the game felt unfair in any other way, by all means contact an admin.

As for ETF2L enforcing made up rules, I don’t think that’s actually ever happened – at least not recently. If you find the opposite to be true, talk to a head admin.

admin status: [ ] not baited [x] baited

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