
Map Contest: Need Teams Now!

Created 5th June 2009 @ 11:54

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Completely agreed on what Mangycarface said.
Really, if you want mappers to take etf2l’s future mapping competitions / requests seriously, you shouldn’t be needing to delay the first one this much.



We can do either

(C) Wednesday 8th July, 20:00-22:30 CEST (after TCL)
(D) Monday 13th July, 20:00-22:30 CEST



(king of all rollouts)

let more than just div1-2 take part? :f



1night cup with 12/16 or so teams, play all them maps and so on. How hard can it be.


1night cup with 12/16 or so teams, play all them maps and so on. How hard can it be.




doing this people stopped playtest the maps (like 40+days ago the last pickup…) and stopped give feedbacks to mappers. so mappers stopped improve their maps :|
you just had to make a poll for the players that played and really seen the maps (to avoid random voting of all the other players in the community)


tbh the sense of the pickup channel was to give feedback, so i play a game, come back and tell eg arnold hey there was this problem, just to know he already released 3 new versions where it “should” be fixed, so im waiting for akill to make a new mappack, oh snap hes not there, well so you basicaly had to wait around 2 weeks to get a new mappack which then was already old like 2 days after


Need Teams Now!

and 30 days goes by…



So, how did June 28th go?


just let any team play and they give their oppinions!
ffs , this is just annoying


This is such a nice fuck you to all the map makers who rushed their stuff to get it done within the narrow time frame set.



This is obviously not gonna happen.
Apparently the top teams aren’t interested in this.

Getting teams below div2 isn’t really fitting for the idea proposed in this thread (ie. getting 4 teams to play against each other).

So if anyone has a PRECISE suggestion to how we can find the winner, please do tell.



Just make a poll, but it would be nice if only the people who played the maps on the playtest channel could vote… or let the same team that filtered the maps decide who wins.



Mmm really gotta put this one to bed. So much time’s passed since the community really cared about this competition that with each day that passes, the chances of them happily embracing the winner as a new map decreases a little bit more.


This is obviously not gonna happen.
Apparently the top teams aren’t interested in this.

Getting teams below div2 isn’t really fitting for the idea proposed in this thread (ie. getting 4 teams to play against each other).

So if anyone has a PRECISE suggestion to how we can find the winner, please do tell.

The only thing i can think of would to make a little board of people to spectate (or watch demos) of playtest pickups and see what map worked best etc, doubt it would be that enjoyable though…

It’s a real pitty that the higher divison players arent willing to help the community out with this, it would be very good for TF2 to have more maps that are played alot (that dont have shitty respawns!) Its getting rather boring playing the same maps every day. I remember a fair while ago when you could play in pickups and find out new tactics you didnt know of or hadnt thought of but nowadays this is abuntant because of the lack of maps.

I’m guessing the “top teams” either just dont have enough time to help out their community or just arent interested in new maps, either way its a shame.

If the first idea isnt to your fancy maybe just make a few criterias for the maps to fill.

Like Design, Playability, Ability to mix it up, Originality etc etc etc and just get some of the players who have played these maps to rate them and whichever map gets the most points wins

(maybe 0-10 for each criteria 0 being absolutely rubbish and 10 being absolutely amazing)

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