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cp_logjam (5CP)

Created 17th June 2014 @ 23:12

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Please replace these stairs with a ramp. dont want more maps with rocketeating stairs


Quoted from tobs

Please replace these stairs with a ramp. dont want more maps with rocketeating stairs

You can fix it by putting an invisible ramp, right?

edit: I’ve yet to try this version of the map but I’m a bit concerned about how mid fight will play out now. At first glance it looks like scouts will dominate completely, but we’ll see.

Last edited by Fuxx,



Without the houses, my heart have an empty space


The houses were just too powerful to hold on, and locked in the layout of the mid somewhat in a fashion that would not allow much flexibility and mid needed a serious change to work better.

Those stairs- I playerclipped them. I should have probably block bulleted them, but that does mean floating stickies. There’s no way to win 100%- but that’s an easy fix.


Just played the new version of Logjam.

Conclusion: never again. I’ve never saw a mid as bad as this one. There’s literally no reason to be fast on middle as demoman. Scouts are so overpowered on this mid. The healthpack is in awful position, if you want to take it, you’re most likely die.
Last point is now impossible to hold. There are no shutter doors anymore and that makes last very easy to take.

The map I really liked just turned into something I really hate now.



Something I’m looking into right now. If I choose this route I’ll move the entrance a bit closer to the old one and modify it so that it’s not a big sightline- but I think it’s a better option. Cave was way too long previously.


Quoted from Hyce


Something I’m looking into right now. If I choose this route I’ll move the entrance a bit closer to the old one and modify it so that it’s not a big sightline- but I think it’s a better option. Cave was way too long previously.

I like it. Cave definitely needed some work, it looked a bit out of place and too long.

But pls rework that mid, it’s really bland and claustrophobic and at the same time it feels too open, if Im making myself clear, when you get to mid you feel cornered and at the same time if you jump in (this talking about solly) you really have no covered place to jump from without being shitted on by scouts.


The reason we arrived at the current mid is I got a lot of people telling me that the houses were too powerful to hold mid from. They were also making people not feel a need to get aggressive to get across point as they had okay cover and could see everything, so I got rid of them.

I felt that the shacks on the side would add good height near the point, something a lot of people have been talking about for a while.

I think what I need to do is make the shacks a bit smaller, so they protrude into the playing field less, and then I need to have something to break up underneath… it’s just pretty much ground all the way. There needs to be a rock, or crates, or something to fight around. It’s hard to do it in that space without being really crammed though. I’m not too sure what I need to do.

I also feel like mid needs a touch more cover than it has.

If anyone has opinions on everything I’ve just said, please say so. If ETF2L drops the map I’m still going to attempt to improve it until I feel that it is ready to be released. I appreciate the fact that I got two seasons of serious testing- I learned a hell of a lot from them. I do feel looking back that the map was added in way to early in it’s dev cycle. I got caught up in people telling me they loved the map and it getting added into rotation and patted myself on the back a bit too much. That’s all the past though. I just want to make a damn fine map.


Great progress man, keep up the good work

hi im cupcake

(ETF2L Donator)
hi im dog

I really like the new mid, it seems to leave a lot more space for soldier plays and it’s the first time I actually felt the initiative to go forward rather than sitting on a house and spam rockets. I don’t know if this has been touched on, but the sightline from the top left of last all the way to choke seems pretty ridiculous.

Last edited by hi im cupcake,


Quoted from Hyce


Something I’m looking into right now. If I choose this route I’ll move the entrance a bit closer to the old one and modify it so that it’s not a big sightline- but I think it’s a better option. Cave was way too long previously.

I disagree with that left Tunnel being too open, one of the biggest problems would be retreating to Mid, you’ll have to run all the way into one of those 2 caves (granted that you’re retreating from the right side), you’ll end up in a completely vulnerable position for Soldiers/Demo to bomb you.

Another problem would be less surprise attacks, that bottom left cave was ideal for Soldier/Scout to come out and flank, making left cave open will completely destroy that element of surprise. To add up, it’s pretty much easy to control/observe what’s happening in those 2 Caves, you’re creating tactical advantage for Defending team, with bottom left cave being removed, it is much easier for defending team to retreat, since it takes much more time for Attacking team to reach them, don’t forget about Height advantage as well.

Basically what I am trying to say, Attacking team would struggle much more with this new cave, with a bit of distraction from Mid and Right side, it was quite easy to slip by that Bottom left cave and get Medic force or get behind enemy team, due to a complicated geometry, rocket jumping will be hell for Soldier as well. Therefore Defending team will always have an upper hand with that new cave. So please, leave it as it is.


change to cave is good, it was far too long a flank route and takes too much time to clear, especially if you want to push on the clock. mid seems more fun from a soldier’s perspective, though the area near choke seems really open now.

Last edited by AB,


The new forward spawn is pretty terrible. Just have a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buuhFjN1ts8



I am working on a fix. Thanks for showing this.

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