
cp_logjam (5CP)

Created 17th June 2014 @ 23:12

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(ETF2L Donator)

small healthkit/ammopack on last are not identical


Oh. That’s odd. Easy fix though, thanks for posting it.

Sometimes those little things propagate into weird things while you map. Last point on red side’s roof was 16 units lower than blue’s for a while. Strange stuff.

I’ve been playing around with banana/logroom recently. Toying with the idea of changing it so that the ramp on mid exits further to the right. That way, I might be able to get rid of the shutter and not have any crazy sightlines, while preserving the fast roamer rollout.

Not sure if that would be good or not.


Okay guys- I’d like some quick feedback on this. I made a quick mock up of what banana/logroom could be sans detailing/props in it, just doors and general layout, vs. how it currently (b17) is.

The first images (blue side) are the way I have logroom set up for b17. The second set are an alternate setup that might prove better. Yes, you can still do the fast roamer rollout in the second setup but it’s a bit harder (took me, non-soldier main who’s not good at the game 10 minutes to figure out).

I appreciate any and all feedback, I’m trying to make this map as good as I can so you guys have an enjoyable time playing it.

tha mud pile is bothering me quite a lot when trying to roll out through house as a demo, since the optimal way to get the ramp slide and be able to have minimal time between jumps would be a crouch jump there, which can be messed up by the little elevation quite easily
Edit: I felt the picture makes the pile look avoidable so i made this to show how far you have to walk to pass it

Last edited by letto,



This is pretty much a test version for the new logroom. The new logroom is not fully detailed as it may not be sticking around. I think it’s better than what it used to be, but I want to know what you people think as always- you play the map, not I.

In my play through I did notice a few small bugs but they’re nothing too big- a few tiny gaps (some that are rather perplexing), some in displacements as usual. Shouldn’t affect anything.


Full changelog:
Removed a rock under mid and replaced it with a small hp
Modified the ground just in front of each house and made the bridge on mid a touch wider
Fixed paint splotches that were missing on blue spire
Moved the big fence just a touch at 2nd so that things don’t clip weirdly
Fixed a doubled displacement from blue choke to cave
Updated clip brushes in choke to actually match choke’s geometry
Added some clipping in the choke-cave connectors to fix an issue with players getting stuck
Modified clipping on the railings in lobby to make it so medics/scouts can crouch jump off the pallet over the railing
Removed a crate at last that was blocking a sightline to a door that no longer exists
Re-thought logroom/banana to make more sense, and open up flank fighting.
Fixed an issue where health and ammo at last were not in the same spot on each last point
Made the dirt piles at 2nd smaller


Here’s a video I did of the rollouts for logjam- none of them are perfect but hopefully you guys will realize I didn’t ruin them.


This is a video that Sideshow did that improves/builds on mine.

(read that last sentence as he can actually jump)


Thanks so much to the ozfortress production crew for running the summer cup on logjam and having me on the cast! It was a lot of fun to watch and I’m glad I was a part of it.

b18 should be out pretty soon as well!



do you have a link to the VoD’s :)?



I very much appreciate Logjam being included in the map pool for S20.

Sunshine’s first season in NA, everyone hated it. It was new, different, and no one knew it and complained about pretty much everything, and 90% of that boiled down to players not knowing the map before they played it in season.

I know Logjam is not to the point that sunshine was then. I know it’s in beta, I know it’s not done and a lot of people would rather see a finished map in rotation.

I have put out at least 7 different versions (soon to be 8) of Logjam since S19. Give it another go this season, I’ve made a lot of positive changes and it’s being really well received.

Once again, thanks to all ETF2L for letting my map stay in. It means a lot.

b18 coming soon!


Not to post by myself for the millionth time in a row, but I want to show you guys some progress. I’ve put in a ton of time into getting logjam as good as I can.

Sneak peak at the new last visual design:

It’s not finished- and when it’s in game for b18, it certainly won’t be RC quality, but it will look a hell of a lot better than the “why did hyce put wood textures everywhere this is dumb” last.


wp hyce and please don’t pay too much attention to haters. Your map is played on a regular basis during TF2Pickups and everything is going well. It has a cool flow and even if that’s not the most original one in the mappool (<3 Sunshine), it deserves its place for s20. The latest aesthetic gives you more and more credit so keep on improving it.

That's a shame how conservative people are.

Last edited by Lithium,





Quoted from Hyce

Sneak peak

Oh man where is StealthMountain? Also keep up the good work.

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