*Poll* S7 HL Which maps do you like/dislike and want to see in the season?
Created 7th April 2014 @ 16:46
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Quoted from Mista
pl_waste v2 has already been played officially in etf2l (during 1st hl nations cup, after having been tested and approved beforehand in an experimental cup), unlike most of the maps you selected in this poll.
idk though if there’s time this year for hl experimental cups
ctf_converge as well, and IIRC these are one of the most hated maps ever.
Yeah I don’t like converge much either, it’s pretty much a stalemate map if one of the teams decides to simply never push. It could have been a good map though. Also it’s not a map that can be easily played in pickups or mixes (just like steel or gravelpit) as it requires a lot of strategy and teamwork.
I have very fond memories of HL games on Foundry. Croissant is good too, although it’s not uncommon for games to end up being a siege-of-last to siege-of-last battle. But unlike process you are not completely screwed if you lose your 2nd point and even have a decent chance of breaking out.
Please ditch jump_surf_sn_process. If you want to play process, play 6s.
As for badwater, I find it too “figured out” to be interesting. This makes it a good map for playoffs (where what you want is a showdown), but a boring one for the body of the season (it kills the suspense).
I would give the 2 waste variants a chance, especially the pl_ variant, which is quite enjoyable if you actually use your brain.
Last edited by MIGHTY BURGER ツ,
ctf_vitalism instead of gravelpit.
Cashworks instead of process.
A few other maps than the usual ones are more than enough imo.
More CP maps
Quoted from .zero
ctf_vitalism instead of gravelpit.
Cashworks instead of process.A few other maps than the usual ones are more than enough imo.
Cashworks <3 I love the design and feel, but I've had such a bad experience in pubs with the second point. I'd love to redeem it in my eyes by playing it in a comp format.
Seriously, put Granary in – it’s not that aids.
Maybe even koth_badlands? 8)
Last edited by Snooki,
Quoted from Snooki
Seriously, put Granary in – it’s not that aids.
Maybe even koth_badlands? 8)
koth_badlands seems really stupid, the spawn is in two rocket jumps from mid and the two doors are really easy to camp, I’m pretty sure that situations where a team tries to push out from their own spawn won’t be rare.
The layout of Granary is a cool concept for hl, but it’s really poorly executed. Crates are stupid, left/right yard are really hard to damage unless you go in, and they are really close to each other as well, choke is too narrow, last is really far away from the shutters, just so many small things that make the map stupid, I don’t even know if the map would be balanced for hl if all those small things were changed, maybe, who knows.
Quoted from Snooki
Seriously, put Granary in – it’s not that aids.
Maybe even koth_badlands? 8)
and dustbowl while you’re at it
Keep the mappool again , all the best maps are in there. And whining on some of these maps more likely means that your team sucks and doesn’t know how to play the map/is not maybe doing enough pcw’s? :O
Quoted from BAITO
Keep the mappool again , all the best maps are in there. And whining on some of these maps more likely means that your team sucks and doesn’t know how to play the map/is not maybe doing enough pcw’s? :O
I don’t think it’s fair to group everyone’s arguments under “we don’t know how to play the map”. The only way to get people to scrim a map is to make it required for a season/cup. The only way to pick maps is to poll the community.
I don’t like seeing coalplant, arctic or dustbowl in the vote, and sunshine being omitted from this as well (sunshine has been played in PUG’s).
We’re always keeping tabs on tf2maps, PUG groups and the other fora where maps are being posted and discussed. One of the core problems is that the development of (viable) maps is a bit too slow.
The bottom line is, the choice for a map isn’t putting in the most likable maps, it’s making a pool where the maps are playable for everyone. That means being critical towards the format, performance or bugs that ruin games.
Also,are the dates for s7 even decided yet, will season start after 6v6 season again?
I think Badwater should be replaced soon. I wouldn’t mind bringing in Ashville or Swiftwater, maybe something brand new.
The only “new” maps that could work for ETF2L, is either cp_croissant_final or koth_arcitc/koth_warmtic or bringing back cp_foundry :|
Quoted from BAITO
Also,are the dates for s7 even decided yet, will season start after 6v6 season again?
Should be coming over in September/October I think.
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