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cp_granary_proest (new version of Granary_pro)

Created 16th June 2011 @ 23:25

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IMO readd hiding spots because they actually add a bit of excitement to the map, but obviously have them the same either side.



Just a quick counter point is that from what I remember when it was last played, is that people just stopped defending yard as much, and fell back to house, which is equally full of choke points.

So what this does it stop people defending one chokepoint and go defend another. Is this an issue? Can it be fixed if it is one?

Also hiding spots are needed in a map.



Quoted from ondkaja

Vanilla granary is fine. Forcing thousands of players to download a new version just to fix a couple of bugs is completely insane.

Oh, don’t forget diskspace. You’ll suddenly have to save 2 versions, insane!


Quoted from ondkaja

Vanilla granary is fine. Forcing thousands of players to download a new version just to fix a couple of bugs is completely insane.




Quoted from ondkaja

Vanilla granary is fine. Forcing thousands of players to download a new version just to fix a couple of bugs is completely insane.

***UPDATE*** The maker of cp_process, scorpiouprising, has released a new version of the map that fixes a clipping bug. The official ETF2L version of the map is cp_process_b10fix!

This means the mappool now consists of:


But…but…but…that’s 3…count ’em…3 custom maps I have to download now…

ETF2L, you are completely insane! How will my monthly download cap react to this? Will my hard drive survive such an onslaught? How can I be expected to accomplish such a feat of downloading prowess? Total insanity.

Last edited by Monkeh,


Good map overall , really an improvement to the normal granary.
But add the “gay spots”, it’s to boring now. :



There are a few simple changes that would make 2nd point a lot more interesting.

Raise the ceiling.
Extend the front into yard moving doors with it.
Move forward spawn to mid.

Defending side of 2nd point is fine. Its the attackers side that is so chokey. It makes it easy to defend once you gain it and is difficult to push from last because of close spawn and its easily spamable from either door and garage.

2nd needs to be designed so that some spam can be landed into yard from a defenders point of view at least. Otherwise that same slow 2nd point is still a big problem.



Quoted from Monkeh


***UPDATE*** The maker of cp_process, scorpiouprising, has released a new version of the map that fixes a clipping bug. The official ETF2L version of the map is cp_process_b10fix!

This means the mappool now consists of:


But…but…but…that’s 3…count ’em…3 custom maps I have to download now…

ETF2L, you are completely insane! How will my monthly download cap react to this? Will my hard drive survive such an onslaught? How can I be expected to accomplish such a feat of downloading prowess? Total insanity.

If this version was added that would make a majority of the map-pool non-official maps. Not only does this waste a lot of bandwidth and disk space (thousands of people having to download the map on the same time, that is a lot of wasted bandwidth, and a lot of wasted space imo), it would also mean that a majority of the map pool isn’t genuine TF2 anymore, since you have to rely on 3rd party authors with art styles and map designs that don’t belong to TF2. And what if the map authors snuck in some exploit that only they know about, and use that to their advantage in officials? I don’t trust the “author” of this map at all, especially since he’s supposedly “only fixing bugs” and not creating anything on his own.



Quoted from ondkaja


If this version was added that would make a majority of the map-pool non-official maps. Not only does this waste a lot of bandwidth and disk space (thousands of people having to download the map on the same time, that is a lot of wasted bandwidth, and a lot of wasted space imo), it would also mean that a majority of the map pool isn’t genuine TF2 anymore, since you have to rely on 3rd party authors with art styles and map designs that don’t belong to TF2. And what if the map authors snuck in some exploit that only they know about, and use that to their advantage in officials? I don’t trust the “author” of this map at all, especially since he’s supposedly “only fixing bugs” and not creating anything on his own.




Quoted from ondkaja

If this version was added that would make a majority of the map-pool non-official maps. Not only does this waste a lot of bandwidth and disk space (thousands of people having to download the map on the same time, that is a lot of wasted bandwidth, and a lot of wasted space imo), it would also mean that a majority of the map pool isn’t genuine TF2 anymore, since you have to rely on 3rd party authors with art styles and map designs that don’t belong to TF2. And what if the map authors snuck in some exploit that only they know about, and use that to their advantage in officials? I don’t trust the “author” of this map at all, especially since he’s supposedly “only fixing bugs” and not creating anything on his own.

Hahahaha, good troll, no really, that was a good troll….that was a troll attempt right? Right? I mean it’s gotta be a troll attempt right….wait….wat?


Quoted from ondkaja

And what if the map authors snuck in some exploit that only they know about, and use that to their advantage in officials? I don’t trust the “author” of this map at all, especially since he’s supposedly “only fixing bugs” and not creating anything on his own.

Oh fucking wow.



kaja kill yoself :D



Did you know that etf2l could try to inject some malicious code onto your PC or something, WHILE YOURE READING THIS?

Quick, shut down your PC!



the internets gonna run out of bandwith thanks to etf2l



I know a solution.

1. Make valve make the maps official;
2. ????????????

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