
New freight: yey or nay?

Created 29th April 2010 @ 07:26

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mid can stay, so can the extra staircase on second as long as the old and new connect again but other than that its total fail.
played some publics and matches on it. the changes were made to improve public play. and they have actually made it a lot worse.

also rollout feels very odd now. it just doesn’t work as nicely

cp_freight_pro plz



2nd is a bit odd, but both the last and mid is a lot more fun



(Toucan Ambassador)

Quoted from Sketch

mid can stay, so can the extra staircase on second as long as the old and new connect again but other than that its total fail.
played some publics and matches on it. the changes were made to improve public play. and they have actually made it a lot worse.

also rollout feels very odd now. it just doesn’t work as nicely

cp_freight_pro plz

I think the idea behind seperating the top areas on CP2 is because top was an imba defensive position; you could hold the top with little risk and still easily by dropping down or backing off through the top.

Now if you choose to defend from the “old top” area with the little door your retreat is much more precarious i.e. balanced.



If this helpfully hadn’t been released by Valve (helpful to non-competitive spectators and newcomers), this WOULD be called cp_pro_freight.

Everything we asked to be implemented in cp_pro_freight is in this version.

Also, if you watched the Vertex vs ORly playoff match last night, you would have seen why the old Freight CP2 sucked really badly (in what was otherwise a great game): respawn camping and only two ways in (ramp blocked by stickies and hiding in the forward spawn, the stairs by a buffed heavy) made for some CP2 on Well-esque unfun times.

Last edited by JimmyBreeze,



but cp_freight was my fave map just the way it was. just fix the spawn times spazzing out on that. its lovely then.

dont worry freight baby i still love you just the way you are. you dont need to change for me :'(



apart from the new mid, which i think is improved with the roofs to add another dimension to the battle, 2nd and last is just a mess, and is simply too easy to defend where the attack NEEDS to uber first with next to no chance of forcing as it is SO easy for defence to just hide in one of the many rooms makes it so stalematey.

The Freight we use atm, with the new Mid, and the fixed spawn times and no 2nd resup would be best IMO :)



Mid and Last are great improvements.

Will have to test second more, as its completely reworked. But, it seemed quite decent. And, in terms of what Jude says about it being too easy to defend, i’d be surprised if you played it enough to get a conclusive answer on it. When I played it, it was the opposite – attackers won it the most often.



nay! mid and last are fine , 2nd is terribad.


Quoted from torden

Mid and Last are great improvements.

Will have to test second more, as its completely reworked. But, it seemed quite decent. And, in terms of what Jude says about it being too easy to defend, i’d be surprised if you played it enough to get a conclusive answer on it. When I played it, it was the opposite – attackers won it the most often.

but havent u heard its terribad?


stay with the old one, the new “pub” freight sucks


Hey guys, good to see the bad [where available] and good comments on Freight

I’ve kept in touch with Jimmy for the whole process, I got down and dirty and did everything that you guys asked for, because they were great, concise and helpful fixes to a map that a lot of you have come to enjoy.

I’ve also watched every freight video on youtube (to this date afaik) + a tonne on wegame (and maybe some vimeo way-back-when). As well as playing it/watching it on pubs/community/pugs/iseries.

Unfortunately to some of you, I picked up subtle things during matches, games, pubs that I truly think required some ‘radical’ changes, which I did; I think they are all for the best. This is most of the pt.2 changes that make it look a bit more detailed and ‘jury rigged’ (messy/terribad/redonkulous?) I can literally go through every change – big and small – and tell you why I decided on doing it.

It’s not my aim to troll you guys with a map, I am improving it for all TF2 player bases. Sure it happens to play well in pubs, but all cp maps ‘great’ and ‘weak’ (league wise) play well in pubs provided a medic or two or an engineer or… none?

I put my work in, I tried a few new things (in good judgement) I’m not going against you guys and I hope you come to enjoy this version better than casting hollow judgement with rose tinted scorn. :)

Thanks guys for all the help

Last edited by Fishbus,



I am black and concur



I am the ghost of tupac and i think it would have been fine just with the spawn timers fixed

After at first being a bit skeptical because it was based off _final I finally gave it a go and I have to say the spawn tweaks really helped out. Mid and last are super fun and even though 2nd is a bit iffy its not that bad with the tweaked paths. So YEY!

Last edited by The Political Gamer,



the map is more balanced and suited for comp, but to do so it had to become much much much less fun

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