
Can Low skill teams actually beat High skill teams?

Created 16th March 2010 @ 04:45

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Quoted from Mole

It used to be more likely than it is today. But yes it does happen. I remember DCSB beating 4K (now Dignitas) in an official when the odds were heavily stacked against us, them on top of the game dominating and us a Div2 team. When you really get up for the game sometimes things just click for you and go in your favor with the teamwork and such.

:DDDD Christ I remember your lot banging on about that for fucking decades.

TF2 is more about teamwork and consistency than individual skill. FB are a great example – they don’t have any players that you would class as “top D1” but their teamwork is solid and they practice at a consistently solid level. Same could be said about idk? though one does wonder if Extremer carries them a little bit now and then.. :)

Us on the other hand, we’re the opposite. We’re stupidly arrogant, confident to an unwarranted degree. We can only play against teams that we deem to be “above us”. We’re significantly more likely to lose against a team such as broder or FB than the likes of TCM or Dignitas.

My point is, attitude is everything. If you go into an official game with a solid game plan, having practised the maps you’re due to play, and an attitude to match, you’ve always got a chance of causing an upset.

I think it’s key for lower teams to take small victories against teams that are significantly better “on paper”. For instance a D3 team playing against Dignitas. You might get beaten 5-0, but how long is left on the clock? Did you win any CP3s? What did you do well in the game?

I guess one of the biggest challenges is the way in which the game is played at say D3 level in comparison to D1. How often do you see D3 opponents intentionally pushing without uber? Scouts know their roles better in D1 too; when to cap, when to flank, when to push with the main body of the team. In D1 you’re playing against consistently good opponents, not shitters one week and probably-hacking Frenchies the next.

Knowing how to play the game is much more important than aim in TF2. Look at how many times the cheating Russian/Ukraine/French teams were successful against the top teams – never. Even with aimbots, radars and wallhacks they couldn’t beat a team that had played a lot of PCWs together and knew when to push and when to fall back.

There’s always hope :) Just takes some balls and some dedication. Look at defeats as a way to improve rather than the beginning of the end.

Last edited by dunc,


Quoted from dunc

… probably-hacking Frenchies the next.

Knowing how to play the game is much more important than aim in TF2. Look at how many times the cheating Russian/Ukraine/French teams were successful against the top teams – never. Even with aimbots, radars and wallhacks they couldn’t beat a team that had played a lot of PCWs together and knew when to push and when to fall back….

Obvious troll is obvious, i remember 2d radar and stuff like that not being french features …

On the other side you are right, too bad those good advices / insights goes with that kind of stuff.



Quoted from dunc


Knowing how to play the game is much more important than aim in TF2. Look at how many times the cheating Russian/Ukraine/French teams were successful against the top teams – never. Even with aimbots, radars and wallhacks they couldn’t beat a team that had played a lot of PCWs together and knew when to push and when to fall back.

How do you know “top teams” doesnt cheat? and how many in the Russian/Ukraine/French teams were cheating?

Maybe this is a discussion for another thread, but I thought it was a weird thing to say/write ;)



Maybe the top teams do cheat. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if ryb used a radar/wallhack to be fucking honest! All of the top teams have played successfully at LAN events however, against each other, so I guess that goes some way to nullifying the effects of cheating, if not entirely removing the possibility.

Boomeh is obviously an example people will quote at me here, but I played against him at LAN and he was fairly fucking dire. The only time he played with Vale at LAN was against D2-standard teams (UKeSA versus the likes of 00 and a poor idk lineup).

I’m not intending to troll. I personally have played against three teams with known cheaters playing for them. One was Russian (KondoR et al), one was Ukraine (spicke et al), one was French (Payard et al). I never lost to any of those teams. Same goes for Dignitas, Power and TCM.



mmm stick your head out of your arse is the proper words in this case. FB have “top div1 players” . I don’t see where Exfane, Fissshu and Looper cant be considered in that lot.

But i can imagine its cause of that little war going on between you guys that you would say such retarded things :D

Last edited by Slick,


Quoted from dunc

Boomeh is obviously an example people will quote at me here, but I played against him at LAN and he was fairly fucking dire. The only time he played with Vale at LAN was against D2-standard teams (UKeSA versus the likes of 00 and a poor idk lineup).

he was pretty horrid online too tbfh >_>



You compare Looper as demo to ryb? What? No. Ask the individual players themselves. Do they rate themselves that highly? No, I doubt it. If they do, they’re misguided… :) All of those players have played in other teams and been nowhere near as successful, same can’t be said of the likes of ryb/hymzi. I’m not saying they’re not D1 players, just saying they’re not top D1. Same applies with your team Slick.

I don’t know why people think I’m trying to include some subtle subtexts into these posts. If I want to call FB shit, I will (and have), in their presence. I don’t need to ever so subtly include it in an otherwise informative post.


Can Low skill teams actually beat High skill teams?




now now stop baiting me dunc :) I will not do you a favor and go into why FB is better then you :P



I’ll do you a favour and not remind you that the last time you played TF2 was probably 2004 and even then you were horrendous?

Get off my back, I wasn’t having a go at anyone. Even in my last reply I wasn’t having a go at idk, my point stands.

Fuck me.



hence i quit :p you should have done the same :DDDDD






We once beat a Div5 mix team. And we usually fail against most Div6 teams on standard maps (Granary etc…), so… :P

But still, the fact it’s very unlikely to win against upper Div teams is the reason we didn’t sign up for the Sapphire tournament thingy.

WE WOULD JUST GET RAPED SO HARD. So will be all the other low skill teams who signed up, tho

Last edited by broesel,



Quoted from dunc

We can only play against teams that we deem to be “above us”. We’re significantly more likely to lose against a team such as broder or FB than the likes of TCM or Dignitas.

You couldnt have been more truthfull, the ammount of times where we had a match and before we even started playin we all knew we would win it. This bring some sort of arrogance or just a “i dont care coz we’ll win” feeling over the team. Allowing for the most insane teamwork crap ever displayed in tf2.

Tf2 is like any other team game, it requires mentality, playin a team that is rated above you raises the team mentality to put 200% into that game, instead of beeing arrogant and not try, which bring the mentality to 40% or so.

Slick for president!

Last edited by Exfane,



Yer exactly. I think that mentality accounts for probably 75% of the unexpected upsets in TF2 (idk vs dignitas/TCM in ESH, us vs TCM in ETF2L, etc) rather than the underdog team actually outplaying the “better” team on a level playing field.

My teams have always suffered from this. Wonder why….

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