
Soldier Weps, Overpowered or not?

Created 18th December 2009 @ 05:13

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Since the thread is bound to come up eventually, why not.

With TDH:
My bet is, scouts and medics will absolutely hate it for awhile until they get used to the fact that now the soldier can actually be as much of a fragging machine as a scout or demo. Soldiers pretty much love it because it brings a whole new life to the class. No more sitting back being bored and useless. The minicrits for airshots will probally need removing/fixing though, because atm , jumping or just walking off some edge or corner even slightly causes a minicrit. Which is pretty much an instagib.

TBH it’s just as overpowered as the FaN is and if it gets banned, then fuck you admins cause i’m in love :(

As for the pickaxe, the movement speed buff is insane and i’m not sure how overpowered it is or not since i haven’t played much around with it but getting to mid at scout speed as a soldier sounds awesome.

And my banner hasn’t unlocked for me yet so i don’t really know how it works :(

Last edited by Swifty,



pickaxe for ban. 14hp = 96-98% speed of scout…

1hp = INSANE.

TDH doesn’t seem to overpowered as I reckon it’s going to be so weak on middle fights. It all depends if you get the enemy as they are in the air though….

We’ll see…


Yeah, lets ban a weapon that actually requires skill… And yet keep that retarded and bugged scout weapon… That would be FAN, right?

TDH is only effective in capable hands, and even only 1 per team (the pocket solly will do his job better with the normal rl, as he can deal damage much more consistently). And even if it was overpowered, well, the demos weren’t overpowered as Chuck Norris for almost an year?

TDH will somewhat be like scouts: most people are bad/average, but there are a few people that can play it so well that they alone decide many matches, far more than both soldiers and demo.

Pickaxe is a gamble weapon, it’s only usefull when you are very low on health… And what are the odds of a very low on health soldier being able to get in close range of other class, close enough to be able to hit? There are many full matches (30min) where no one in either team kills a single opponent with a melee weapon…

The banner, well, thats a different story… Probably will be banned, and rightly so. It’s not difficult to charge,and once it does, it is completely devastating.
5 players attacking with +35% damage buff and for 14 SECONDS is insane. On top of that, add an uber… Imagine attacking last cp of Badlands, for example…

TL;DR: Ban the banner, keep the TDH and pickaxe (or limit TDH 1 per team, althought probably it would be stupid to use 2).
(BTW, my main class is not even soldier, and never were since I started playing 6on6)

Last edited by Sekhel,

Max speed on axe might get toned down a bit but I dont see it as a problem, if u cant kill a 1 hp solly running towards you then u need to die anyway.

RL…nice sidegrade.

Didnt use banner yet.

I vote “not OP” on axe and rl.

Last edited by Fluffy Meowington,



Skill? Are you joking? TDH is pretty much the definition of easy mode..



just let us keep the boots
awesome :)


Skill? Are you joking? TDH is pretty much the definition of easy mode..

Says someone whose main class had 8(!!!) winbombs potentially dealing 170(!!!) damage each without even needing to hit the oponent, just det them very close to him. For an entire year. Oh, and whose class had instagib pipes also. Oh and neither weapons had fall-off damage.



Your weapon is easy to use. Get over it.



The fact you have no HP when the pickaxe is useful makes you highly vulnerable.

Why not just not bloody ban anything, I’m sick of the attitude that something must be OP and it must be banned. Give it a few weeks, see how the playing field levels out, rather than jumping to conclusions.

Last edited by Randdalf,



The fact you have no HP when the pickaxe is useful makes you highly vulnerable.

Why not just not bloody ban anything, I’m sick of the attitude that something must be OP and it must be banned. Give it a few weeks, see how the playing field levels out, rather than jumping to conclusions.

even the Sandman could now be unbanned imo



fucking hell no. sandman stays where it is, retarded peice of homo :<


Gotta love the retarded argument from Sekhel: “Who cares if this is OP cos demo used to have OP weapons too”

fine insight


Got the banner. I think that when you’ve had a killstreak you can blow the horn and all sollys near by will get minicrits. Not sure but thats how it seemed in a pub.

Got the banner. I think that when you’ve had a killstreak you can blow the horn and all sollys near by will get minicrits. Not sure but thats how it seemed in a pub.

It affects everyone near you afaik, not just soldiers.

Got the banner. I think that when you’ve had a killstreak you can blow the horn and all sollys near by will get minicrits. Not sure but thats how it seemed in a pub.

It affects everyone near you afaik, not just soldiers.

Even including yourself!! I personally find the demoman unlocks really dissapointing, especially the new sticky launcher. You can’t sticky jump and you litterally have you aim at one sticky to blow it. Need buff asap

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