Allowing TFTrue for S6?
Created 8th September 2009 @ 12:48
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i want hit sounds ffs. how do you fucking know when you hit a random rocket? GEEZ . for the fov, not sure :<
Not needed, TF2 is fine!
I know that TF2 is always fine for you.
When there was the talk about removing random spread, you were whining and would say that it would unbalance the game, make nerf demo, some were also saying scouts are overpowered, etc. Now that VALVe game us tf_damage_disablespread, none that was complaining in TFTrue ever complained about it again. It’s funny because it did the exact same thing. Are we now playing with nerfed demos and overpowered scouts?
Now, if VALVe ever change FoV or add hit beeps, I think the exact same thing will happen.
BTW hitbeeps are optional for people who want to use them. None is forcing anyone to use them.
well it kinda does force us to use them, you will gain advance from them.
no need for higher pov
i would like to have hit beeps but i can happily live without it
rather disable shotgun/scatter random spread :x
No, now we’re playing with overpowered scouts and demos and underpowered soldiers and heavys :3
No, now we’re playing with overpowered scouts and demos and underpowered soldiers and heavys :3
Wouldn’t Hitsounds and higher fov make soldiers and heavys just a bit easier and useful to play?
I for one wouldn’t mind hitsounds if it was an option to turn them on and off. I’d love if you could increase the fov to like 120 or 130.
No, now we’re playing with overpowered scouts and demos and underpowered soldiers and heavys :3
Wouldn’t Hitsounds and higher fov make soldiers and heavys just a bit easier and useful to play?
I for one wouldn’t mind hitsounds if it was an option to turn them on and off. I’d love if you could increase the fov to like 120 or 130.
Okay, i agree with all the people saying dont mess with the fov, i think a demo with 120 fov who can see every door on the map at ocne is slightly lame, same with heavy… But i think hit sounds would be great, even though they ARE slightly in TF2 atm…. Just not accurate ones…
No, now we’re playing with overpowered scouts and demos and underpowered soldiers and heavys :3
Wouldn’t Hitsounds and higher fov make soldiers and heavys just a bit easier and useful to play?
I for one wouldn’t mind hitsounds if it was an option to turn them on and off. I’d love if you could increase the fov to like 120 or 130.
Okay, i agree with all the people saying dont mess with the fov, i think a demo with 120 fov who can see every door on the map at ocne is slightly lame, same with heavy… But i think hit sounds would be great, even though they ARE slightly in TF2 atm…. Just not accurate ones…
TFTrues hitsounds suck atm because of sv_pure 2 afaik, but if Anakin can replicate the ones from TF2DM it’d be sexy
My opponents always scream when they get hit.
Yours doesn’t?
FOV is limited to balance the game, should be pretty obvious.
My opponents always scream when they get hit.
Yours doesn’t?
FOV is limited to balance the game, should be pretty obvious.
The screams ingame are pretty useless, you gotta admit.
And about the scout/demo overpower and soldier underpower debate, make maps that suit soldiers instead (less roofs, less terrain abnormalities and a few seconds of setup time).
+1 what appe said
I always thought about a ctf map where you could use trick/speed jumps to your advantage (seems unrealistical though, would require a lot of healthpacks).
no hitsounds. screams is a far more interesting idea as you can hear them too when you’re not hitting thus giving the environment factor to the game. hitsounds promote spamming as it rewards random shots. screams should be fixed though…
no fov due to the hardware factor of it
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