
Fastlane in primary map pool? :< oh shi

Created 6th September 2009 @ 22:19

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Way to ruin the fun, Skyride :D

How about we add cp_lawlstickies?

Good name, Good mapper(s), Good times.



Remove freight, generally boring and cp4+5 is a stalemate. How about we get rid of it?

dude, schysch, freight is a good map, freight_final sucks, but normal freight is not a stalemate map.

well ofc it doesn’t seem like a normal stalemate map if you suck donkeyballs and fail the defense at last every time, which is a damn impressive accomplishment.



Lets be serious here, All of these maps are great and whether they are good or not is entirely subjective.

Yes there is no such thing as good map design; cp_orange_x is just as viable a map for competitive play as cp_badlands. Oh wait no, there is and objectively fastlane sucks giant donkey balls.



I said it a while ago. :(



get rif of well, leave fastlane, it’s ok



well is well good.

fastlane is slow’n’shitlane



Lets be serious here, All of these maps are great and whether they are good or not is entirely subjective.

Yes there is no such thing as good map design; cp_orange_x is just as viable a map for competitive play as cp_badlands. Oh wait no, there is and objectively fastlane sucks giant donkey balls.

Sorry I worded that terribly. What i mean when i said “all” was all of the maps we are discussing at the moment, not Pub Hero (TM) maps. Secondly, what I meant was that they are all good maps in terms of competitive play, just people are masking their dislike for a map under pre-text of it actually being a bad map.

Learn to tell the difference between objective and subjective things. Almost everything people complain about these maps is subjective and pure opinion, its not a real problem.



Way to ruin the fun, Skyride :D

How about we add cp_lawlstickies?

Good name, Good mapper(s), Good times.

Hehe, dear god I wish we could get cp_obscure in. Its a great map, just a shame it won’t be finished in time. :(


it's a farm

Fastlane wont be removed.

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