
gullywash in primary map pool? :< oh shi

Created 6th September 2009 @ 17:22

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I disagree


<3 Fruit

gully > yukon, played lots of both. gully is far more superior than yukon will ever be.


if just the capping time of the 2nd cp would be faster on gully it would be perfect ARNOLD!


Gully and Yukon are two of the best map we would hope to be integrated in the league. They are as good as a grana or a badlands. They are just new, let a top team demonstrate that they are good maps, just be patient.


Gully is best map ever



Gully is best map ever

obscure > gully tbh



who edited my comment which was very nice considering the shit vlad drac has to spread around?

i called him a hypocrite for not playing gully yet saying blatant lies, which he is rallying against in his wall of text?

he still is a hypocrite



relax. your map isnt that bad. its just a bit different, and ppl need to adapt to it.
only thing i totally agree is the fact your map is totally overloaded with random stuff.

looking forward to play it in league matches.

NEVERTHELESS yukon should ve been in the map pool aswell.. its a joke letting the community decide.. dont get me wrong, im all pro democracy, BUT id say 75% of all voters didnt even have a look at the map, neither played a pcw or even a pickup on it, which really is a shame.

and tbh arnold.. vlad was in the first place pro yukon, and not con gully.



i don’t care if you don’t like to play gully, just don’t say things like:

“the map is far too BUSY. There’s shit everywhere, it’s far too cluttered. Couple that with the fact that there’s 300 different ways to get from point 1 to point 5, and i have it on good authority from a certain friend that you can get to the enemy spawn faster than you can get to point 4.”

which are lies…
so i don’t need to “relax” he has to shut his mouth

also i challenge you to show me this “loads of misplaced rubbish” you can’t find in any other map

Last edited by Arnold,


the finns approve of this map, nuff said



In terms of quality and mapping gullywash is certainly the best custom map.


lol double sticky jump from garage(?) at mid can take you up right above the enemy garage…nice exploit though, health is enough to drop back to the ground too i believe.

Single sticky jump from garage is enough to take the demo to the enemy garage, a fast demo could wreak havock at lower levels/with good scouts.

Last edited by oblivion,



lol double sticky jump from garage(?) at mid can take you up right above the enemy garage…nice exploit though, health is enough to drop back to the ground too i believe.

Single sticky jump from garage is enough to take the demo to the enemy garage, a fast demo could wreak havock at lower levels/with good scouts.

Good find, but i dont think a demo can do a lot of harm on top.

A fast demo will be very weak and shouldnt be a problem. But yeah speed is important on the start of a round on every map, I give you that!

About the overload of stuff, go play cp_orange :<

Last edited by Springer,



i don’t care if you don’t like to play gully, just don’t say things like:

“the map is far too BUSY. There’s shit everywhere, it’s far too cluttered. Couple that with the fact that there’s 300 different ways to get from point 1 to point 5, and i have it on good authority from a certain friend that you can get to the enemy spawn faster than you can get to point 4.”

which are lies…
so i don’t need to “relax” he has to shut his mouth

also i challenge you to show me this “loads of misplaced rubbish” you can’t find in any other map

Arnold it really isn’t your place to tell me to shut my mouth. People will say what they say about your map – that is their right, and if you chase around to each of them telling every one of them that “it’s not me who needs to relax it’s you who needs to shut your mouth” then you’re gonna lose your voice pretty damn quick (this comment actually reminds me of cartman rofl, with his eyes like >< as he screams at his mum). I'd book a second set of vocal chords at your local hospital and prepare for a transplant. I think you've shown clearly that you do need to relax, at least where opinions about your maps are concerned. So no, i don't have to shut my mouth.

I wasn't aware my opinions could be lies, but i stand by them regardless, and chasing round the forums to locate anyone saying anything about your map and letting off a tirade against them isn't going to change their mind, help you out, or add anything to the discussion. Least of all dragging us offtopic as you attempt to force me to do what you want me to do. I'm not going to rise to your bait.

As i posted before – if people want gully in, that's cool. I've only ever said that i, personally, don't like it (thank you for pointing this out btw, mvp). But i'd rather that people voted based on played experience. I hated yukon when i played it the first few times, but now i actually feel it's as good a map as badlands or granary. A lot of the people voting are voting based on kneejerk reactions, i actually feel that a vote is a bad way to decide whether a map is included. Since when has public opinion ever pointed towards the right thing to do overall? I think more maps would make the community thrive a little bit more – it certainly would stop boredom setting in.

I think a public vote like this only points to the option that requires least effort by the most amount of people. I think some admins should look at the american leagues to get a bit of information when deciding on a new map. They know how yukon is played, they play it, they actually enjoy it on the whole. Why not take something from their experience?

But there's me placing my vote for LESS community input, haha. Perhaps if a vote is 600 for and ~0 against then don't include it. But if the votes are split by less than 1/3rd, then you can introduce that kind of method to make the final decision? I'm just not sure a vote will get the RIGHT result. I think if you'd asked people if they wanted badlands included when that came out, the votes would probably be similar, and look how we've benefited?

And the same could be said of gullywash, of course – even though i don't like it doesn't mean it won't become a staple map. Please note that i have still not campaigned for it to be removed and i am willing to accept that even my no vote for gully will end up looking stupid when it becomes as common as granary and badlands. People have said a lot stronger things about gullywash than i and yet i'm on the recieving end of an attack. Interesting.

Edit: Also, springer, you can't claim that a map isn't cluttered by comparing it to something more cluttered. Might as well say that a large forest doesn't have many trees in it by pointing to the rainforest. Point to something 'worse' and the original doesn't look so 'bad'. But point to something 'better' and it looks fairly 'bad' again. It's all relative.

Last edited by vlad_drac,

FluffY ZeuZ

In my oppinion Gully is a good 6-6 map, AND Yukon was good until they changed it…
They should NOT have raised up the last point since it’s so hard to get to when spawning if defending it. and the middle point should have stayed on the bridge, since the houses on each sides aren’t used now, only for HP and Ammo. It’s become a good pub map, but not a good 6-6 map in my oppinion, so i’m glad they didn’t take yukon in, since it was fitted better for competition before the mapupdate.. :/

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