
Vote custom maps

Created 31st July 2008 @ 23:29

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cp_bestinclass_v2 !


UbeR |

Agrees with albert and haunter


dm_store and dm_hans, every other map can go to hell


Im THAT good!

Yea lets play dm_store and dm_hans!

I’m with Haunter – bestinclass ftw!

Seriously now, cp_freight is much more fun then any of the customs maps in the vote. I’d swap it with 2Fort or Goldrush and leave the rest as it is now.



I don’t like 2fort at all. I wouldn’t mind dustbowl and goldrush going out of the map pool.
I agree with Freight and Fastlane going into the map pool :)

About the other custom maps I have played Stag, which is alright. The other ones i’m not sure of :s




Just some whine about the current maps and rules first:
Its about time 2fort, dustbowl and goldrush are removed from maplist!
cp_gravelpit, and any future maps that share that sort of layout and objectives, should be played with a best of 3 rounds, as it is still too likely to get a draw with the current rule.

A bit more on topic
freight seems like a good map
fastlane is decent, but it has way too many healthpacks


I agree with triegzak, dustbowl should stay in the map pool though.


I think almost everyone would like to see 2fort removed from the league. There are too many good custom maps out there for us to keep maps like 2fort – lets have a vote on removing maps from the current maplist.

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