Dear teams and players, for the upcoming Highlander Season 32 (Summer 2024), we also have a poll form we would appreciate you to fill out to help us make decisions for the season. You can find and fill out this poll form Here.
Dear teams and players, thank you for participating in the ETF2L 6v6 Season 47 (Spring 2024). We would appreciate if you could take your time to go through this little feedback form.



Created 14th June 2009 @ 21:36

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Playing fanscout in pickups is awesome. It’s like you’re playing instagib while everyone else is playing vanilla. Except against Vali, because he de-friends you for it :[


I’m done, might as well go talk to the wall.

HF with your cryfest.

You are a joke man. Never learned to debate at school? Or did they teach you to go for personal attacks or leave the discussion?

Did YOU ever learn to debate at school? If i believe correctly people talk for a bit giving opinions then it goes over for a vote… which appears to have happened. Limit 1 won the votes so the losers should SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP WHINING



David gtfo, go troll somewhere else. I’m not the only one that thinks you and Klu should gtfo.

Anyways, yesterday in a pcw (vs CarmeDiem if it matters) I ran into something that clearly favors the fan scouts and is very hard to counter. I was covering shithouse in the mid fight, I knew a scout was coming (was called). So I was prepared. He jumps on the bridge and we both fire at the same time, before I can get in my 2nd shot I’m dead. Watching the deathcam I noticed he couldn’t have had more than ~30hp left. So it’s not like I missed, I prob did near maximum damage for the range we were fighting at. How do you counter such a thing? The only thing I came up with was using the fan myself. You can’t play defensive, trust me I did. It is always an option to either get your buddy scout or demo to help, but if the other team is any good their other scout and demo will shit all over you. And even if your scout buddy helps chances are high you still die, because you both need to land a good shot on him on time.



David gtfo, go troll somewhere else. I’m not the only one that thinks you and Klu should gtfo

And you’re still on this whole agree-with-me-or-get-out thing. It’s not how open discussion works I’m afraid.


Anyways, yesterday in a pcw (vs CarmeDiem if it matters) I ran into something that clearly favors the fan scouts and is very hard to counter. I was covering shithouse in the mid fight, I knew a scout was coming (was called). So I was prepared. He jumps on the bridge and we both fire at the same time, before I can get in my 2nd shot I’m dead. Watching the deathcam I noticed he couldn’t have had more than ~30hp left. So it’s not like I missed, I prob did near maximum damage for the range we were fighting at. How do you counter such a thing? The only thing I came up with was using the fan myself. You can’t play defensive, trust me I did. It is always an option to either get your buddy scout or demo to help, but if the other team is any good their other scout and demo will shit all over you. And even if your scout buddy helps chances are high you still die, because you both need to land a good shot on him on time.

Please do not present anecdotal evidence as it’s validity is zero.


is good!

And besides: basing decisions on polls, especially with such close results, is not the way to make decisions. So could all the div5 noobs please stop trolling and go play the sims?

well, I assume, you have read the entire thread. So you must remember, that on the previous pages 4 or 5 div1 players speaking on behalf on their team quite clearly state, that they don’t want the FaN banned. I guess, that means, that you got Effed in the A and dind’t even notice? (fuck safety smileys, I mean it).



Anyways, yesterday in a pcw (vs CarmeDiem if it matters) I ran into something that clearly favors the fan scouts and is very hard to counter. I was covering shithouse in the mid fight, I knew a scout was coming (was called). So I was prepared. He jumps on the bridge and we both fire at the same time, before I can get in my 2nd shot I’m dead. Watching the deathcam I noticed he couldn’t have had more than ~30hp left. So it’s not like I missed, I prob did near maximum damage for the range we were fighting at. How do you counter such a thing? The only thing I came up with was using the fan myself. You can’t play defensive, trust me I did. It is always an option to either get your buddy scout or demo to help, but if the other team is any good their other scout and demo will shit all over you. And even if your scout buddy helps chances are high you still die, because you both need to land a good shot on him on time.

Please do not present anecdotal evidence as it’s validity is zero.

It’s not anecdotal evidence, it is an example of what is wrong with the fan. I already stated earlier what the exact problem is with the fan, this is just to illustrate my argument with a real life example. I never said it was evidence. Same thing happens on granary, with the containers shielding the fan scout enough to get close enough for a quick 2 shot you simply can’t counter.



Anyways, yesterday in a pcw (vs CarmeDiem if it matters) I ran into something that clearly favors the fan scouts and is very hard to counter. I was covering shithouse in the mid fight, I knew a scout was coming (was called). So I was prepared. He jumps on the bridge and we both fire at the same time, before I can get in my 2nd shot I’m dead. Watching the deathcam I noticed he couldn’t have had more than ~30hp left. So it’s not like I missed, I prob did near maximum damage for the range we were fighting at. How do you counter such a thing? The only thing I came up with was using the fan myself. You can’t play defensive, trust me I did. It is always an option to either get your buddy scout or demo to help, but if the other team is any good their other scout and demo will shit all over you. And even if your scout buddy helps chances are high you still die, because you both need to land a good shot on him on time.

Please do not present anecdotal evidence as it’s validity is zero.

It’s not anecdotal evidence, it is an example of what is wrong with the fan. I already stated earlier what the exact problem is with the fan, this is just to illustrate my argument with a real life example. I never said it was evidence. Same thing happens on granary, with the containers shielding the fan scout enough to get close enough for a quick 2 shot you simply can’t counter.

Is that red or white whine you’re drinking? Would you like some cheese with it?


Still at it are you.



Is that red or white whine you’re drinking? Would you like some cheese with it?

I know, I’m still trying to get a decent counter. Spazzin the spacebar the moment you get shot isn’t one, as Berserker already pointed out, so I’m still waiting. Lets theory craft a defense vs the example I just gave and stop the trolling.



Is that red or white whine you’re drinking? Would you like some cheese with it?

I know, I’m still trying to get a decent counter. Spazzin the spacebar the moment you get shot isn’t one, as Berserker already pointed out, so I’m still waiting. Lets theory craft a defense vs the example I just gave and stop the trolling.

“superiour firepower”

Ah, I must have imagined all those scouts saying the scatter is better in a 1v1/2v2 situation.

If you allow an enemy scout to get close enough behind your medic to shove his FaN up the medics ass then you do in fact need to L2P.

Now I’m off to bed, sweet dreams.

OK, I know this is a crazy idea, so bare with me.

You could *try* telling your scouts to keep their scouts under control.

Crazy, I know.

There ya go, for the second time, maybe you missed it first time round.

David gtfo, go troll somewhere else. I’m not the only one that thinks you and Klu should gtfo

And you’re still on this whole agree-with-me-or-get-out thing. It’s not how open discussion works I’m afraid.

There’s “gtfo, your opinions are different to me”, and there’s “gtfo, you’re contributing nothing to this debate”. BERSEKER, Koeitje and Arx are here writing things which are actually USEFUL to this debate, and all you’re doing is bringing the tone down with pettiness and repeating “l2p”. Maybe if you could elaborate slightly on HOW to do the things you’re suggesting (“keep their scouts under control”), your opinions would become slightly more valid and slightly less troll-like.

As far as this actual debate goes, as long as the knockback mechanism on the FaN is screwed up I’d like to see it banned. And I know valve supposedly “fixed” it, but getting hit by a glancing shot and then being thrown directly upwards into the air makes absolutely no sense.
I would love to see the knockback effect conserving momentum – that is, if you’re jumping forward and you get hit, depending on the damage the hit did, you’ll either get slowed down, stopped, or thrown backwards, in the RIGHT direction (that is opposite to the one the shot came from, as opposed to say directly upwards even though you’re fighting an enemy scout on level ground and there is no physical way a knockback should result in you going that direction) – but I suspect that would require some changes to the physics engine or whatever, and won’t happen. ;__;


To be honest, its no where near as bad as it used to be, you cant knock soldiers off spire from middle anymore, which is good. In my experience it takes some of the pace out of 1v1 scouting but i like it. Its a different playstyle and it shouldnt be banned for being so. This is just the same as the demo being OP discussion, its got some facts but they are COMPLETELY whored and the good sides left out.



Is that red or white whine you’re drinking? Would you like some cheese with it?

I know, I’m still trying to get a decent counter. Spazzin the spacebar the moment you get shot isn’t one, as Berserker already pointed out, so I’m still waiting. Lets theory craft a defense vs the example I just gave and stop the trolling.

“superiour firepower”

Ah, I must have imagined all those scouts saying the scatter is better in a 1v1/2v2 situation.

If you allow an enemy scout to get close enough behind your medic to shove his FaN up the medics ass then you do in fact need to L2P.

Now I’m off to bed, sweet dreams.

OK, I know this is a crazy idea, so bare with me.

You could *try* telling your scouts to keep their scouts under control.

Crazy, I know.

There ya go, for the second time, maybe you missed it first time round.

I _am_ a scout. _How_ can I keep him under control? Simply saying “KEEP UNDER CONTROL LOLZ” doesn’t suffice. Might as well say “LOL KILL “M LOL”.

@ Eon I’m waiting for the good sides. Only thing I can image is it gives increased movement, which I really like. It’s simply a matter weighing various arguments and make a decision based on that. Pros vs cons. The weapon has some pros to gameplay, but the cons far outweigh it in my opinion.


lets put it this way, if a scout is using the fan, he cant attack and dodge at the same time without making himself completely open to rapage. If you miss him when hes stuck in mid air dont fucking whine about him hitting you when you are.

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