
New Unlock/Item System

Created 22nd May 2009 @ 14:31

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Assault Marine Sigh

this is why fps configs are bad :P


I don’t think they should be banned just for this. The huntsman/ambassador seem like very interesting weapons that could add something fresh to the comptetitive scene. Ban them FOR NOW and allow people to get them and mess around with them. After a while determine whether they are overpowered or not.



To the people saying they should be banned because it’s based on chance.

People are play competitively, that means people most likely enjoy the game a lot, and spend a lot of their time on it. The unlocks are new, and I don’t think unlock rules should change during a season, so I think it’s fair to keep them banned for now (unless both teams agree, as previously). But for the next season I do NOT think that the unlockables should be banned.

Unlockables provide a change of playstyle that allows diversity within teams, and teams to emphasize different parts of their strength imo. The sandman is rightfully banned because it took control away from the player, but the other unlockables don’t do anything like that or anything absurdly drastic.

I think Jarate is a retarded concept, but an interesting dynamic, and that it’s indeed something to explore further. It might lead to more snipers, and especially getting a bit more up-close to help their team out with it, in which case they might use the huntsman and it would just change the whole dynamic and maybe have some teams run a sniper far more regularly, which I think is a very good thing. Unlockables, as long as they don’t have a massive impact on gameplay and the flow, just serve to make things more interesting.

Whether they’re based on ‘chance’, the time taken for anyone interested in etf2l shouldn’t be a particular hindrance except at the start like now, or if you’re a brand new player. For the latter, it won’t take that long to get them all, Valve said they calculated the time spent by the AVERAGE tf2 player, and wanted him to have gotten quite a few items over 2 weeks. Someone who plays more will have gotten them quite a bit faster, so chance or no chance, a little obstacle (that I agree to is annoying), isn’t enough to warrant just ignoring the whole aspect of unlockables imo.

Additionally, I do think someone should inform Valve that it’d be a good idea, competitively, to allow players to access all unlockables only with tournament mode enabled (which is also annoying when you lose connection to steam during a game if you’re medic, for instance.)



Yeah being jarate’d on dx8 =

I’ve got no problem with more’s high high fps, try it…



+1 for banning all the sniper & spy unlocks, except when both teams agree to use them


Yeah being jarate’d on dx8 =

I’ve got no problem with more’s high high fps, try it…

Latest update fixed it.

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