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Created 22nd January 2016 @ 09:26

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I liked the divs more than the tiers, but that’s just because you had a better feeling of improvement (more divs means smaller incremental improvements).

Swiss system basically feels (keyword) that after losing two games playoffs/promotion won’t happen and any results from there are just ‘meh’ (which is further assisted by the huge amount of teams, your team feels more anonymous).

The old divverino system still gave you that possibility of feeling better. For example you lose two games at the start of the season and your very last game of the season is against your group’s number 1. If you improve during the season and end up losing it with an ok scoreline or 1-1 in maps you would feel that you actually did something positive and improved as a team.


Quoted from SiTeHBu0mbb

The old divverino system still gave you that possibility of feeling better. For example you lose two games at the start of the season and your very last game of the season is against your group’s number 1. If you improve during the season and end up losing it with an ok scoreline or 1-1 in maps you would feel that you actually did something positive and improved as a team.

don’t u only think that though because it’s easier to do well within a div in the div system?



Quoted from SiTeHBu0mbb


But in the div system there were groups in the same div that had a huge skill gap inbetween. So for example group xA could’ve beed way easier than group xC because better teams were put in C group. In the old system you could only compare yourself to 7 other teams in your group, but you had multiple groups so there might have been another 8, 16 or more teams that could’ve been better than you and with the new system now you can compare yourself to all teams that think they’re at that cetrain level. So personally I don’t understand how could you feel “better feeling of improvement” in the old system when you were comparing yourself to only small group of teams instead of all teams in the new system.


Quoted from Just1s


I think it’s a motivational issue.
Everything Just1s pointed out is true. Still, it was a lot easier to be a “winner” or to do “well” when you’re comparing yourself against a small number of teams. The competition becomes more personal when you know the teams that you’re playing against, the chance of getting that pixel trophy to decorate your teampage was high and there’s greater motivation to win as a team.

With the Tier system, while more logical, a lot of the charm is lost. The only chance you have of winning your respective Tier is if your team was already a solid tier above the one you’re in. So what about all the other teams? They get… well… nothing, really.

The very heart of competitive anything is to win. If you can’t win and your team isn’t a pre-established circlejerk of friends, it just kinda becomes frustrating. Reason tells me to support the tier system but blind amateur fanboy-ism prefers divs.



Swiss produces a greater number of competitive games per season, there’s no doubt of that. In divs you would get maybe one or two decent games a season. I think the admins perhaps underestimated the lack of perspective the average user has. “Motivation” etc. Team leaders, at least, should be capable of seeing a bigger picture. Or so admins believed.


Quoted from Just1s

But in the div system there were groups in the same div that had a huge skill gap inbetween. So for example group xA could’ve beed way easier than group xC because better teams were put in C group. In the old system you could only compare yourself to 7 other teams in your group, but you had multiple groups so there might have been another 8, 16 or more teams that could’ve been better than you and with the new system now you can compare yourself to all teams that think they’re at that cetrain level. So personally I don’t understand how could you feel “better feeling of improvement” in the old system when you were comparing yourself to only small group of teams instead of all teams in the new system.

Div systems with playoffs for the first and second place teams from each div from div 4/3 and higher would be the dream tbh. But admins have put too much effort into the swiss system to go back.


I don’t think you can really compare yourself to teams in the tier in this way. A team that was middle of the table and lost their last game can easily finish below worse teams. The difference between winning 2 maps and none is 6 points, which is going to drop you like 10 positions in mid. The positioning is so volatile that it’s almost pointless to even look at, it means almost nothing, outside of top 10 and bottom 10, who win/lose the majority of their games.

I still prefer it to divs though



Am I the only one who was more motivated to improve by the swiss system? I’m basing this off the first season it was implemented where my team was fighting to try and win mid… maybe it was just because it was the first time anyone in my circlejerk was contesting playoffs which actually felt like they meant anything. Divs just felt pointless back in the day at lower divs because, as pointed out, you had no idea if you were the best in the division, only the group. More like a rag-tang bunch of games with no real telos to the season.

If you ask if you’re the only one you’re probably not the only one.

Basically the way I see it, old system, easier to be a “winner” Yay. Everyone can be a winner this is surely a great way to boost self esteem if you’re such a person that needs it.

Swiss system means you truly have to be the best in your division to come out and win plus it promotes more balanced games throughout the season than the old divs. For teams that can’t handle not being the number 1 even though their mummy and daddy told them they were always the best struggle to keep motivation for the season.

People will always complain about both sides, just live with it and move on.


Its because Divs lacked Playoffs, without playoffs it was quite hard to stay motivated. Without playoffs back in the div 5, me and my team was on the edge of getting 1st or 2nd place, the placement was heavily dependant on the results of the last match of the 2nd team in our div.
If they would’ve won both maps, they would have 32 points and 31 for us, leaving us in 2nd place, but luckily for us they tied, resulting in us winning the season.


So it was quite unfair when some team won the season because they had just 1 more point than you. Watching div tiebreakerers was quite enjoyable back in the days.

tl;dr divs lacked playoffs (excluding 1st place tiebreakers)

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