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Abra (OMG! It's) banned for 1 year. Especially for admins, but for players too.

Created 12th April 2009 @ 00:27

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Hello, i am leader of Oh My God It Is.
I want to talk about Abra’s 1 year ban because of aimbot.
Sorry if its a wrong forum, move the topic then.
I think we’ve run into a problem here. We’re beginning have somewhat of totalitarian regime here on etf2l. Admins are banning without a stop, believing that they’re undoubtedly right, they slaughter countless number of teams with their sword of justice. They don’t think about teams that pursued their humble achievements not for a month nor 2 and 3, but for much more time and effort. Human factor is a proof that any man or group of people can be wrong in something. But right now nobody has the right to correct the admins’ anti-cheat team.
You forgot about the main foundation, because of which all of yours countries do not have the name of those totalitarian have. Because of this thing you live happily and have the opportunity to sit on your web-forums and ban people. And that thing is a Presumption of innocence ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presumption_of_innocence )
To my mind Abra isnt a cheater. Would you kindly prove me the reason of the opposite, because I don’t have any choice but to defend him.
As I know, he was banned after viewing the demo of mpuktf2.pickup game on the 9th (?) of April.
Now tell me please, how can one judge a player over a SourceTV demo that was recorded on the server, where the great number of aspects do not coincide with those on a person’s monitor.
I have something that you hadn’t when you accused him in cheating – the POV demo. I give them to the public. Let everybody, who knows even a little about cheats, view them and say whether he is a cheater or not.
(links are identical, they are duplicated due to the limit for downloading, 10 times only):
The files are broken into 4 parts, because Abra was stopping the demo after good moments, for him to find them later more easily; he’s making a frag-movie atm. The pause between them is minimal as I think.
Besides, we are playing in the 1 div. on ESL. You are free to download his aequitas files. http://www.esl.eu/eu/tf2/team/3182767 . Also he has a lot of POV demos from official games, including etf2l. He can always provide them. Try to find any aspect of cheating in those. And say, is there any sense to play on etf2l, win the first place in the group and after that use cheats on some crappy pickup.
I want you to pay this message an attention and I hope that I was writing all this not in vain.



Same as Flo, admins are always right, admins keep the proofs.

” you twist, you cheat, shut your trap !!”

Democracy win! or not ….


Heil ETF2L!


please do not flame in this topic. i mean it.


I just hope that the truth will come out asap, whatever it is. The news about the bann without contacting b4 is kinda weird imo, let the guys chance to prove their innocence. Oh and no, Im not protecting any of the real cheaters, just it would be a shame to ban ppl who are innocent irl, especialy without any decent evidence.


Heil ETF2L!
+ I was surprised for abra`s ban :/



GL to OMG, hope abra will get unbanned, he’s a good guy!


How is this thread made for me? I support the admins decision


if you have nothing to say, push ALT+LEFT then.


Hey dats!

Hey ColorZ, i think i speak for us all when I say… FUCK OFF



I wanna hold’em like they do in Texas please,
Fold’em, let em hit me raise it baby stay………………..


comedy, reminds me of Southpark episode ‘fishsticks’

just get it man…please



Hay guise, here’s some demos where he wasn’t hacking so that means he doesn’t hack lol


i hate stupid threads like this. edit away ur post and add
“=) ignore me”



i bet a hacker could make a pretty sick fragvid

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