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WHO WILL DIVS? Highlander Edition

Created 26th October 2013 @ 19:15

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so in your opinion delete every lower plat team and maybe some of the midplat teams, and next season u play with 5-8 teams in plat, wtf this is fucking plat not prem.

u need to handle with that cause there is no gold in eu

Last edited by taffguy,


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from taffguy


i dont even main scout, gg

and if you sort this list for damage/death, you are on the lower half of this list…



maybe cause i go for the enemys, my team called out as lowhealth



Quoted from taffguy

funny how people think Da sucks, we won 2 matches, and we lost 2 matches so fucking close, its our first season so what is wrong with that?
Ah i forgot in first plat season u need to win every match against every team that is in plat for long or u must be bad, cheers to the comp community.


i dont even main scout, gg

Yesterday you played and lost against a low plat that has a new spy (me), a unexperienced engie, a new medic and a first 4 rounds off-classing scout and played that map once or twice before without those 9 players together.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t be plat, but its still a bad statistic!



why does every highlander thingy always evolve into drama, I just wanna play with friends and shoot shit :(


Well, tomu, u r officially roster ridding, if we don’t deserve plat, u shouldnt be any where near it (speciallly in a team like SIAS).
Anyways, back to the other sensible people, yes, we may not be that good, and yes yak is our “carry” but do you guys know, that we lost our main spy(who was one of the leaders) and our main med just before the season? well it wasent easy getting back from that, less than a week left before the season started. We were in serious trouble, i was actually thinking to fold. But, thanks to my mates, who never let me down, they were confident, they wanted to play and learn as much as they can.
Say what ever you guys want about DA, its not gonna die anytime soon, we are improving and yesterday’s official is just another sign, Bote is a strong low plat team even if they had new players, ours are newer, our spy used to play div 6, our solly (who was sub) rarely played matches, our med never payed med before… SO yeah, we lost yesterday cuz of our mistakes, and hats off to bote to notice our mistakes and use them as an advantage. This is one of the things we’re trying to improve on, we lose concentration after being in an extremely strong position, we did it against thz and now we did it against bote.
So yeah, just saying, we’re here to stay, like it or not (A lot of people do like us, so yeah)
Oh and kayzer, we just had one scrim on ash, that also without our full roster, so yeah, things happen, we shouldnt have lost concentration.

Last edited by DevilHunter!,



This thread is meant to be about “WHO WILL DIVS”. Please stay on topic.



Don’t really see the point of everyone sticking the boot in for Digital Alliance. They were one of 4 or 5 teams who should have probably been moved down to silver. But due to the way UGC is run (yank admins wanting to let people pick their divs) no decision was really made and the blame falls on them rather than the teams imo.

But this is a prediction thread for etf2l rather than UGC so maybe it would be best talk to talk about that ya know?

EDIT: Missed permzillas reply

Last edited by Munky,


Just saying, if we should have been moved down, then thz, bote, T-A plat bull and Whl should have been moved down as well.
Sry admin, back to the topic:

Prem: DA!
D2: breakfast
D3A: seriousname
D3B: T-A


Bote won 1st place in div4 when they were formerly known as Navegadores so no, not really. I’m not against you or anything, DA, but you don’t have to react so negatively to these comments. The only way to win the argument is to prove all the naysayers wrong, so go and do that instead.

(b-b-back ontopic-c-c)


Quoted from Fuxx

Bote won 1st place in div4 when they were formerly known as Navegadores so no, not really. I’m not against you or anything, DA, but you don’t have to react so negatively to these comments. The only way to win the argument is to prove all the naysayers wrong, so go and do that instead.

(b-b-back ontopic-c-c)

True mate, thanks, will try our best.


(ETF2L Donator)

Must. Resist. Urge. To shittalk. And. Go. Off. Topic.


(Weeaboo Nerd)
(XD ͜ʖXD)

Quoted from Scissors

Must. Resist. Urge. To shittalk. And. Go. Off. Topic.

Quoted from DevilHunter!

Just saying, if we should have been moved down, then thz, bote, T-A plat bull and Whl should have been moved down as well.

Yes, they should’ve. What’s your point? 8)



Who the fuck cares lol take it on steam or something

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