
max players in roster ?

Created 2nd May 2013 @ 18:59

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Quoted from doks

who the hell cares ????????
MY opinion
gosh if they gonna make it max players 40 so be it. my advice was not takken. but as of now there is no cap at all.

rEJ/smooth criminals had more players on their roster at one point than SOLAR has now, You’re saying that you are using SOLAR has an example but I cant think of 2 or even 1 team that has more players than 10 players on their roster besides SOLAR, it sounds more like you’re having a secret agenda to me.


Quoted from mrwhizz


rEJ/smooth criminals had more players on their roster at one point than SOLAR has now, You’re saying that you are using SOLAR has an example but I cant think of 2 or even 1 team that has more players than 10 players on their roster besides SOLAR, it sounds more like you’re having a secret agenda to me.

Not too long ago someone added ALL the registred latvians to one team… showing me there was no limit to max players. i have been thinking about this now and then but i always thought the reaction would be meh whatever noones gonna do it. Since solar is well known they help me put my point across that there is no cap for max players. Obviously admins see it as a problem as well and will fix it.

And by the end off the day its equality for all isnt it ? so if every team WOULD add 40 players would that be fine ? couz if it is lets end right here. If you agree with me that it would couse problems then why do some teams be it 3 or id guess there are like 5-10 teams with lots of players get to be special ?




doks atm


Quoted from arc

this is the funniest thread I’ve read in a while. “Doesn’t look professional” :D why are people arguing if the admins have already made a decision anyway.



Quoted from SHIN




Quoted from doks

wow you have takken something that someone esle has made for a different porpuse and used it in this situation to be funny.
very original.

Quoted from doks

If you agree with me that it would couse problems then why do some teams be it 3 or id guess there are like 5-10 teams with lots of players get to be special ?

also wat?

Last edited by arc,



This thread is awful. At least the gif’s are cool.

Anyway whats there to discuss anymore? There will be a roster limit coming soon to 6v6 teams.

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