max players in roster ?
Created 2nd May 2013 @ 18:59
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Quoted from Permzilla
It’s for the same reason as Highlander roster limit, we don’t want to give out 36 premiership participant medals.
is that why i got like 5 medals even tho i never pld any officials? :DD
Are all these roster riders going to be looking to get higher div teams because of their Prem experience
Ok people you dont seem to understand the issue here. ITS NOT ABOUT SOLAR. ITS NOT ABOUT A SINGLE TEAM. NOT EVEN ABOUT MEDALS. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
read the topic.
AFAIK there is NO!!!!! limit to how many players are in a roster. THAT IS THE ISSUE.
and no vani admins cant just give you 6 the medals and not to the rest because that means every friiking team on etfl2l could have 40 players and admins would have to ask every single one of the teams – ok guys who deserves the medals and who doesnt ?
So stop being black sheeps and remove your players already. and if you gonna answer with – but other teams can have that many players tooo… then guess what – LADI DAA thats the fucking issue here.
make something like “Honourable member”. This person can’t play matches in season. You can change this title after each season. Good? Bad?
Quoted from JohnnyZ
make something like “Honourable member”. This person can’t play matches in season. You can change this title after each season. Good? Bad?
Good idea but not possible at this point.
Quoted from JohnnyZ
make something like “Honourable member”. This person can’t play matches in season. You can change this title after each season. Good? Bad?
that would maybe solve the medal problem if its possible to give medals to certain members of teams without it being a huge waste of time. but its a lot easier to set a cap on max players.
also i started this not because of medals or team history or whatever the hell people are getting so upset about – i started it because from an outsider view iMo it doesnt look professional/sharp/crisp/nice and neat as it should be for the TOP tf2 league in EU and the TOP? tf2 league in the world by player count ?
this is the funniest thread I’ve read in a while. “Doesn’t look professional” :D why are people arguing if the admins have already made a decision anyway.
Quoted from nTraum
this guy knows whats up, its gif posting time
“A professional is a person who is engaged in a certain activity, or occupation, for gain or compensation as means of livelihood; such as a permanent career, not as an amateur or pastime.”
Technically they are not professionals, but amateurs by definition (sorry Solar) !
There are some really good quotes in comments though!
Quoted from T0m
They like having a lot of backups.
Quoted from san alex
yeah, they dont want to drop in prem, like other teams did in the past.
But if seriously, I don’t know why would somebody care. There are probably slightly more important topics of which to worry about as a society.
Last edited by Koala,
Quoted from doks
Having more then 10-12 players on a roster doesnt look professional. as said in first post
Quoted from doks
Quoted from doks
and no vani admins cant just give you 6 the medals and not to the rest because that means every friiking team on etfl2l could have 40 players and admins would have to ask every single one of the teams – ok guys who deserves the medals and who doesnt ?
You just check who is on the roster who played in the league. No asking involved.
Quoted from doks
all praise to lalliakbar
Last edited by vani,
I’m really confused. How does this affect anyone exactly?
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