So if Epsilon do fold after lan ..what happens to etf2l ?
Created 14th June 2012 @ 15:12
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reason that us has 3 $10k lans is because they turn up when the money is on offer.
when multiplay offer money you often get some div 3 teams or mix teams take the money in past i series lans. and we rarely have more than 1 or 2 big teams turn up to a lan.
Quoted from Rdios
Besides he can say that because he is as bad as tarkus. Easy as that.
Quoted from Spike Himself
Really? Might as well get a job then. It’s equally boring but it pays better (and more consistently so).
I work full-time. I play TF2 competitively because I enjoy competing for the prizes and to try and be the best team. if that wasn’t there, I wouldn’t play any more.
Quoted from numlocked
I work full-time. I play TF2 competitively because I enjoy competing for the prizes and to try and be the best team. if that wasn’t there, I wouldn’t play any more.
But would you stop playing just because there’s no prizes to win?
TF2 will die after i46. Nothing to look forward for top teams. :(
I reckon the game will stay alive (LAN-wise) in France and Russia thanks to local LANs.
if I had £1 for every time I heard someone say TF2 was going to die after a summer i-series event I’d be a very rich man
Quoted from Spike Himself
But would you stop playing just because there’s no prizes to win?
I said most play to win prizes AND tournaments.
Quoted from droso
TF2 will die after i46. Nothing to look forward for top teams. :(
TF2 as a game doesn’t care about “top teams” or “i46” or “competitive” at all.
Quoted from dunc
if I had £1 for every time I heard someone say TF2 was going to die after a summer i-series event I’d be a very rich man
Quoted from MightyMe
stop calling that tf2 is dead and everything will be fine
scrubs claiming tf2 is dead, how can mann co store get so fed on money?
Quoted from numlocked
I said most play to win prizes AND tournaments.
Splendid. If I’m not mistaken Season 13 is right after the summer!
Anyway we’re branching off a bit here; It was Kaidus who said Epsilon have nothing to play for after i46.
Hm, perhaps he was trying to be sarcastic and I just misunderstood. Let’s hope so :D
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