The Original - Skin or Unlock
Created 19th August 2011 @ 19:59
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It gives you the unfair advantage because you can switch between centered and left/right without rejoining. Derp.
Lets not be remtards…
It’s an unlock and anyone saying otherwise just no… You cant just scream for vanilla and then change as soon as something else comes out D:
Ban it
Well if that was the case, why are we allowing even the original medic unlocks? Arguing about whether the original counts as an unlock or not is retarded. It IS an unlock because it’s not the standard weapon you start with but it doesn’t function the same as an unlock. Ideally, if it’s possible with tf2true as people seem to be saying, it’d be 10x better to just force it centered there so you’d keep the original rocket’s sound as well.
Quoted from laerin
Well if that was the case, why are we allowing even the original medic unlocks? Arguing about whether the original counts as an unlock or not is retarded. It IS an unlock because it’s not the standard weapon you start with but it doesn’t function the same as an unlock. Ideally, if it’s possible with tf2true as people seem to be saying, it’d be 10x better to just force it centered there so you’d keep the original rocket’s sound as well.
You know very well what I meant about vanilla laerin D:
And yes it does function on a very basic level like any other unlock. It changes the game, perhaps not hugely but I can name other unlocks that doesnt change the game hugely and they’re banned.
Note: This is not an official poll but I’d like to know what the majority of people think about the original.
Allow the Original?
Total Voters: 292

Last edited by CanFo,
Quoted from CanFo
Note: This is not an official poll but I’d like to know what the majority of people think about the original.
Allow the Original?
Total Voters: 292
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Edit it into the OP!
Also we can’t see the results as non-admins. :(
Last edited by Skyride,
I honestly dont care but it just seems completely and utterly retarded to allow it… There was such a HUGE fuss about unlocks and when people finally settled on vanilla you want to tear all of that up and start adding in more unlocks? As I said I couldnt care less, I just dont like the sound of it that’s all but it just seems so… dumb, when all you did was close threads about unlocks for a year and then once it’s under control you open up the can again.
Ok, lets use a promod so that people can choose central projectiles for the normal rocket launcher then, that’s way easier! Now you can craft it for 5 scrap, that is absolutely nothing.
The main argument against unlocks as I saw it was that they were retarded, not that they were unlocks.
And Kortz, don’t keep on saying you don’t care and then reply religiously on the threads about it :D
Last edited by minimoose,
Quoted from minimoose
Ok, lets use a promod so that people can choose central projectiles for the normal rocket launcher then, that’s way easier! Now you can craft it for 5 scrap, that is absolutely nothing.
The main argument against unlocks as I saw it was that they were retarded, not that they were unlocks.
And Kortz, don’t keep on saying you don’t care and then reply religiously on the threads about it :D
This. It’s not “it’s an unlock!” that vanillalovers argue, it’s that 99% of the unlocks are simply fucktarded. The Original is a Rocketlauncher that shoots from the center. A simple viewmodel option to get a center viewmodel is the best option but that doesn’t mean you should disallow the Original on the simple basis that it’s an “unlock”.
What minimoose said and Kortz, the medlocks are still unlocks, so you can’t use that argument against it. And judging it based on that is pointless, (as I’ve said multiple times), it removes an unecessary aspect of the game and makes things fairer throughout the map.
The rest of the unlocks on the hand all add something (usually not for the better) and are like the angled projectile, unecessary.
Someone should just force Valve to have it optionable like the left/right thing and have the original just as a reskin if it’ll make all the whining stop. If they did that, would everyone still be against allowing it? It wouldn’t be an unlock anymore but it does the same thing.
It’s just a stupid argument to use.
Last edited by laerin,
Updated Original Post (haha get it? :D) to include common arguments/things that have been said and said against them to cut down on anything being constantly repeated by new readers/commenters
Well like the last 2 pages have basically said, it’s not an argument on whether it’s a reskin or not. You can argue it’s an unlock, you can argue the reskins also count as unlocks, but it’s still irrelevant.
ban strange weapons cos of annoying notifications
Quoted from Bonkers
ban strange weapons cos of annoying notifications
‘Ban nametags because no-one on etf2l can name their weapons well.’
Also you can disable notifications at the adv setting menu. Trading still makes the sound so you should be fine about losing out of the trade notification part.
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