
Vanilla + medlocks (+ maps, apparently)

Created 3rd May 2011 @ 15:07

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Vanilla + medlocks + equalizer should be the new standard thing.

But i can live with vanilla + medlocks.

Last edited by Martn,

I also don’t see how people can’t remember all the unlocks. Do you have Alzheimers or another memory-loss related affliction?



I personally think that part of the problem is the ‘jumping solly meta game’ that most mid points descend into because of the equalizer.

It was interesting to note that at i42 (which was also my first game in ages played vanilla + medlocks) the dynamic of the matches changed massively because of the lack of the equalizer. Most mids- particularly badlands- became less about balls-out-jumping-solly aggression.

But whether that is a good or a bad thing I don’t know.

Tapley ❤


Quoted from bulletproofsmurf

After i42 it seems the enthusiasm for implementing vanilla + medlocks has increased massively in popularity so it might be worth revisiting the issue.

I for one fucking love most unlocks, i’ve played the game since the beta and it helps me keep interest in this game, bit of fun to break up playing granlands for 4 years. However we deicded to put I42 as vanilla + medlocks because we’re trying to unite TF2 under 1 ruleset, make some sort of standard that can unite TF2.

I myself think that the soldier is the shittest class to play without the equalizer but we decided to ban this also, only because if you say vanilla + medlocks + Equalizer, someone will say WHY NOT ME USE BONK? I HATE GRAVELSPITS NOAW.

The current unlocks in etf2l arn’t *that* game changing that causes there to be too many elements to make it a non skilled game so i see what the admins are attempting but theres enough to piss off the “pro” teams, and valve will only ever increase more and more unlocks.

The Head admins need to sit down in an irc room with the top clan leaders and have a chat at the end of the season and come to a compramise for the good of the league.
I’ve played in most divisions of ETF2l and i’ve always not really cared about what is and isnt allowed or what maps are included, i just play tf2 for fun.

Make Premiership gentlemans rules Vanilla only, and div1 – 6 gentlemans rules Cinnamon only.

That way everyone gets what they want (pretty much) and as far as i can see the closest we’ll get.


just load vanilla cfg on pcw and say that their load out is not working



Quoted from Tapley ❤

Make Premiership gentlemans rules Vanilla only, and div1 – 6 gentlemans rules Cinnamon only.

That way everyone gets what they want (pretty much) and as far as i can see the closest we’ll get.

Damn, Tapley, I want your babies.



Quoted from Tapley ❤


I myself think that the soldier is the shittest class to play without the equalizer but we decided to ban this also, only because if you say vanilla + medlocks + Equalizer, someone will say WHY NOT ME USE BONK? I HATE GRAVELSPITS NOAW.

ideally if you want to stop the argument you want vanilla. end of
+ medlocks gives you the wriggle room for + equaliser and then on and on. i know + medlocks is a standard now, but to remove that aspect of “but i want this unlock, he’s got more than me mummy waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah” its really the only way to stop the argument without some heavy forum moderation.

I think what people want more than anything is a way to stop the debate lol

and as for prem having different rules to everyone else… well i must say i don’t agree. takes a chunk out of the seriousness, if you want to take it seriously.

Last edited by Sketch,



Quoted from Waebi


Damn, Tapley, I want your babies.



RaWr ::

I often speak with my brother about TF2. Apart from playing with our team at i33 and playing in the final on stage, he has no competitive tf2 experience himself. Just just occasionally watches a game, and plays a whole lot of public tf2.

His words are simply along the lines of:

“People are dumb for wanting the unlocks banned. I love using all of the weapons, and it doesn’t bother me when other people use them against me… What harm do they honestly do?”.

Obviously then, with myself being the argumentative type, I go on to explain how some weapons aren’t suited for 6v6 game play, and others change the metagame of competitive tf2, and he simply replies with something on the lines of:

“So what? You play the game to complete an objective better than your opponents do… why does there need to be a set ‘standard’… a standard should come into play from being the best all-round possible combination of classes and weapons. If the game changes, you can/should expect the standards to change with it.

To be honest, he has a point, and I feel a lot of the ‘less serious’ players might agree with it. Starcraft’s standards are evolving all the time, yet the game keeps getting better and better. A single patch can completely change the way a matchup is played. There’s always people who are going to be unhappy with the changes, because they might have been the best prior to the changes. E.g. PvZ has totally changed just from knocking a few seconds off the phoenix build time.

Getting creative in starcraft is what many people consider masterful play. The creative players are often rewarded, coming up with unique, single time use strategies, sometimes specifically built just to defeat a particular opponent. A lot of these pro vanilla boys want TF2’s strategies to evolve around, where you jump to, or which door you walk in. I personally would want to see some awesome creativity with sets of unlocks, ready to counter your opponents. If you find you have the wrong weapon sets out to counter your opponent, you can change on respawn. Yes, it takes time, but the same as Starcraft 2, you can’t suddenly change your unit composition… it often takes time to switch tech.

But meh, whatever, just losing so much potential!

Last edited by AcidReniX,

Mors Immortalis


Quoted from Chaplain

I also don’t see how people can’t remember all the unlocks. Do you have Alzheimers or another memory-loss related affliction?

the thing is – most of them are overpowerd or useless – cba remembering them
yet some of them are usefull and/or are fair sidegrades



Quoted from Spike Himself

In a perhaps more interesting light; Would you refuse to sign up for an etf2l season if it’d be run around a vanilla+medlocks ruleset, or do you know anyone that would?

Well. You have the figures on how many prem teams sign up with cinnamon.
try vanilla + med or maybe just pure vanilla nect season.

See what happens! At worst you might get 1 team from prem drop, oh well. better than all of them. If you lose a few low div teams, then there will always be more low div teams to replace them i mean the pub scene is still pretty huge and there will always be new teams created.


RaWr ::

By that argument, why would you want to keep the prem teams? The low teams will simply move up a division. Why are the people at the top more important than the people at the bottom… when the whole league is about having fun playing.


Acidrenix……. I am a converted man


Quoted from AcidReniX

To be honest, he has a point, and I feel a lot of the ‘less serious’ players might agree with it. Starcraft’s standards are evolving all the time, yet the game keeps getting better and better. A single patch can completely change the way a matchup is played. There’s always people who are going to be unhappy with the changes, because they might have been the best prior to the changes. E.g. PvZ has totally changed just from knocking a few seconds off the phoenix build time.

Incomparable. Balance changing some of the unlocks to make them viable is fine, adding new ones which aren’t balanced competitively is not. TF2 unlocks are the equivalent of adding the Defiler to SC2 without testing because people “find it fun to use”.

Quoted from AcidReniX

I personally would want to see some awesome creativity with sets of unlocks, ready to counter your opponents.

Counter them through in-game strategy then, not through a particular item. The beauty of SC is that unit counters do not necessarily decide the game. High level players may not be able to take down a strong, immobile army head on, but they can exploit this immobility with fast units.

Quoted from AcidReniX

Yes, it takes time, but the same as Starcraft 2, you can’t suddenly change your unit composition… it often takes time to switch tech.

Your SC2 example can be prevented by diligent scouting, that isn’t possible in TF2.

Quoted from AcidReniX

Getting creative in starcraft is what many people consider masterful play. The creative players are often rewarded, coming up with unique, single time use strategies, sometimes specifically built just to defeat a particular opponent.

Micro-wise, yes. Macro-wise no. The brain of Boxer with the Macro of Flash is the perfect SC player.

That’s on a pro-level of course. Amateur master play is defined as being able to execute a build with crisp timings, and scouting/adapting optimally to your opponents play.

Last edited by kuma,


Just do both, have an option to play vanilla+medlocks… If people are so desperate to play with these rules let them have the choice, I admit im not fond of the current system, Yet i dont have major problems with it.

If ETF2L could have a formal option for unlocks/vanilla+medlocks then i dont really see how people could compain.

If teams disagreed on what they want, say team 1 wants unlocks,and team 2 wants vanilla+medlocks, How could we decide? I cant think of anything atm but im pretty sure it could work. The more freedom people have the more they find the games intersting. And as Vuze have said (we’ve played them recently) and i dont think most teams will have such a problem playing vanilla+medlocks

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