
r_aspectratio allowed?

Created 13th December 2008 @ 03:31

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Is it allowed to change aspectratio? It’s a lot like fov, but it has no boundaries. So if you have it bound to a button you can use it as demo to watch two entrances that are normally hard to watch both. Or as medic you can use it to easier spot scouts. etc…

try r_aspectratio 3 … it is very playable… you can also zoom a bit (although it looks retarded) by doing r_aspectratio 0.2

[Example 1] [Example 2] [Example 3]

Falling Away

Example 3 is fucking SKETCHY!


that must be weird as fuck to play with


I’d also like to hear the admins’ opinion, because I myself have lately began using aspectratio 1.5 when I play the heavy. That little bit of added vision makes me a bit more aware.
IMO, using a fixed aspectratio isn’t that bad, but if you change it constantly to gain the extra vision when needed, could be a problem in some cases. Can’t see this being too big of an issue, but whatever I say I’m not an admin. :)


Thanks, reported to valve.


Haha, what? Reported to Valve before you even got the insight of the rest of the community? Fucking purists, man…



Agrees with Anakin..

That’s not right at all.


“Haha, what? Reported to Valve before you even got the insight of the rest of the community? Fucking purists, man…”

So that statement means you find it fair to use that command to watch two entrances that are like 30m apart.

Ban it from the league until Valve makes this an sv_cheats 1-only command. I don’t think anyone wants this.


Rofl :D



it looks fuckin funny, but retarded at the same time :d

thats like 250 fov or something :>

whats the command to see 360 degrees around you then? would love to have that


And that command is already sv_cheats 1 on other source engine games like CS Source, I guess they just forget to add it on TF2. This is an exploit, I don’t think any leagues would allow that.


Hey dats!

@zipok, the default is 1.6…. so 1.5 would actually have less fov.


The default is 0, not 1.5.

Type it in console and see.


Hey dats!

well, 0 is the same as 1.6 =]


Odd, for me 1.5 adds fov a bit but makes the game a bit more slim. :P
Tbh, who changes his aspectratio that much to make the game look ridiculous just to camp two doors at once at the cost of messed up aim, movement, and just about everything else? I say that it would be ok to allow players to start the match with any aspectratio they want, but changing it during the game would be banned as it would prevent the once-in a match exploits that usually aren’t that useful.

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