
Season 3 Awards - Nomination Thread

Created 3rd December 2008 @ 21:28

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ill not make my votes based on skill only, as this should be player of the season and not top tf2 player at class X, so my votes are for the ones who helped their teams in the worst moments :D

Medic of the Season: Agron (k1ck, Div 1)
Soldier of the Season: slim (r@ts, Div 2a)
Scout of the Season: Bybben (4k , Div 1)
Demoman of the Season: weqo (ubersexuals, Div 1)
Heavy of the Season: Exoronic (Ex-Druidz , Div 2a)
Fairplay Award: I Don’t Know? (div 2b)



Medic of the Season: Agron (k1ck, Div 1)
Soldier of the Season: Mick (4K, Div 1)
Scout of the Season: forcenet (CzetaX , Div 5f)
Demoman of the Season: hymzi (Crack Clan, Div 1)
Fairplay Award: Cable internet Clan (div 5b)



This is just a nomination and not some vote, right ?
I don’t get it why many people are nominating the same people over and over.

Medic of the Season: Lezek (Jägarna , Division 3)
(He isn’t nominated yet, right ? I don’t think he suddenly is a not so good medic because he just plays in div 3 instead of div 1 as before..)

Soldier of the Season: Itchi/Fragga
(don’t know what clan he is in after The Deliverance folded. I absolutely think he is one of the soldiers this season that has made the greatest impression on people with his fragmovies and aim. Sure, he is not playing in one of the top clans in div 1, but his aim seems to be way better than most div 1 sollys)

Scout of the Season: Para (r@ts)
(There are many really annoying scouts, Para is definetely one of them and I don’t think he has been nominated yet.)

Demoman of the Season: Elefanten (SdX’98)
(Ok, nowadays he has started to play scout and sniper instead, but his demoskills are awesome and well known by many people.
Since he is playing in div 3 he is not getting the attention he deserves, but he could easily be one of the better demos in div 1 if he wanted to.)

Heavy of the Season: I don’t know much about good heavies so I don’t nominate anyone here.

Agent 0


Demoman of the Season: Joske(ex-druidz) :)



medic = agron

soldier = abomination

demo = hymzi (great fun to spec)

scout = zerox

heavy = sommie

sniper? = player32

spy? = jh


Medic of the Season: more (k1ck)
Soldier of the Season: Punpu ()
Scout of the Season: masiina (4K)
Demoman of the Season: snap (übersexuals)
Heavy of the Season: SEPPO (k1ck)
Fairplay Award: Care Bears



Medic of the Season: dunc (übersexuals)
Soldier of the Season: Moose (Crack)
Scout of the Season: treigzak (übersexuals)
Demoman of the Season: Bash (ex-hadouken)



Medic of the season: kyynel (crack clan, div1)

Soldier of the season: Haza (k1ck, div1)

Demoman of the season: More (k1ck, div1)

Scout of the season: Darn (4k, tlr, oslo lions, div1)

Heavy of the season: Seppo (k1ck, div1)

Engineer of the season: More<3 (k1ck, div1)

Fairplay Award: Crack Clan (division 1) Always waiting like 30 minutes for tcm to show up on the server and not taking default!


Medic of the season: TeoK (4K, div1)
Soldier of the season: miikka (k1ck, div1/Laukaus, div2)
Demoman of the season: Byte (TCM, div1)
Scout of the season: Roquee (Care Bears, div2)
Engineer of the season: Exoronic (Druidz, div2)

Fairplay Award: TCM



This is just a nomination and not some vote, right ?
I don’t get it why many people are nominating the same people over and over.

From the front page:
At first, every registered user has the possibility to nominate players and teams in our Forum. After the phase is over, all votes will be counted and Top 3 nominations for each award will be added to the official public polls which will start on 8th December.



Scout of the Season: Arnold
Fairplay Award: Arnold


medic of the season: dunc (ubersexuals)
soldier of the season: coinz (TCM)
scout of the season: bybben (4K)
Demo of the season: byte ofc. (TCM)
pyro of the season: stealthy :) (TCM)
heavy of the season: exoronic (Druidz)
fairplay of the season: wotr (wotr3)
traitor of the season (again): boomeh (Druidz)

peace out :)



Medic of the Season: Albert (TCM, Division 1)
Scout of the Season: Arnold (Ex-druidz, Division 2a)



Medic of the Season: Kyynel (crack clan, div1)
Soldier of the Season: moose (cc// , div 1)
Scout of the Season: KondoR (prior.eSports TF2, Div 2)
Demoman of the Season: snap (ubersexuals, div1)
Heavy of the Season: (ubersexuals, div 1)



Soldier of the season: Slim (rats)

Whilst he may lack the flamboyance which I love to see in soldiers, he’s solid and consistant and in my opinion could easily replace (and better) any soldier in division-one.

Scout of the season: Zerox (TLR/TCM)

The first scout I’ve ever played with that actually complemented my game as soldier. He would steal my frags yes (even my midairs ffs) but over the course of the game it would be made up for in the way of assists.

Spy of the season: JH (wotr)

Spy is unfortunately rarely used, even though it can have ability to literally win the game. I’ve seen some terrible spy work this season, but this guy has come from the DL mould.

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