
Hi guys, wanting to get into this :)

Created 31st August 2010 @ 17:59

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Don’t worry you can’t be worse than me :3



also add me if you want advince from someone not in IDK :D

main thing i’d say though which perhaps hasn’t already been covered is to pick your fav class of scout, demo, soldier or medic, as these are pretty much the standard for competitive play, everything else tends to be secondary… it’s not bad being good at other stuff, but u’ll find it hard to fit into a clan without one of those being your primary class.

Medic seems the easiest to get into, but it’s not tbh, as you get blamed alot for other peoples mistakes, and don’t often get praised for the good things you do.

Scout is the easiest to get into, but there’s alot of scouts out there. it’s mainly a DM class, so you just need to know where to go.

Demo is probably the hardest class to start with, as it’s an important role, and you can let your team down by not knowing the sticky jumps to mid, or where common sticky traps should be, or how to spam, etc.

Soldier is like mid way between them all. You just need to learn to spam and how to rocket jump. if your agressive, your a “Roaming Soldier” if you defensive, your a “Pocket Soldier”, who defends the medic.

Once you pick a class, play some lobbies to see how everyone else plays, or where their positions are, and then once you get tactical positions down, your generally set to join a clan.

Just add me anyway and i can probably help you to.



If you are completely new to the game though, I wouldn’t focus too much on picking 1 class right away. Take your time and give them all a go, no need to rush things. It’s better to give all the classes a go first instead of being stuck to 1 class, and then realising months later it isn’t your fav/best class. Well, that’s my opinion at least:)



I disagree about the scout just being a dm class. No class in tf2 is a pure dm class. Just play some of all classes and then decide.

Last edited by Koeitje,



Scouts own dm, therefor scout = dm class.



Depends how your team plays I guess.

I mean, because kaidus apparently carries the shit out of us, people don’t notice that fle and my positioning is based around kaidus stopping scout pressuring him and allowing him to spam. It’s a very supportive type of play but theres still DM and aggression involved, it’s just more dependant on seeing flank opportunities ect.

But yeah… play pickups/tf2 lobby to get started.

If you want to have an easy time to get to the top, pick solly because all you have to do is aim at the floor or wall and then just the rest of the time spam from 50miles away. You’ll get annoyed by dieing to scouts when you fire rockets at close range and the splash damage kills you, but it’s still easy modes. – The easy class.

If you want to carry your team with the carry class that deals stupid ammounts of dmg and shits on everything. Play demoman. You need quite a bit of skill to get sticky projectile awareness right and to get the pipe prediction but the rest of it’s gamesense and playing to your teams style. – The overpowered class.

If you want to run around aiming like a god and dominating div3-6 then just pick scout. w+m1 seems to work in division 2; read “Swifty style”. Although a good scout uses a good mixture of movement and actually on-the-foot thinking to outsmart his opponent and use his mobility to his advantage. – The skilled fun only good class.

This small guide may be open to reader interpretation as “cereal” or a joke. It’s also maybe slightly biased. Reader discretion advised.

Oh yeah… GL



Doesn’t this defending Kaidus involve you dying a lot and Kaidus raping the shit out of the enemy scouts?


Quoted from Rake

Scouts own dm, therefor scout = dm class.

All depends on the situation and location. Scouts have a better ability at picking the fights they want, but in certain situations a soldier will easily dominate a scout (Z-granary, for example. There are a billion more examples). Same goes for the demo. Even for a class like the HWG. No cover for the scout? HWG wins. Ability to hit HWG before he spins up? Scout wins. Ability to peek out of cover between shots? Scout most likely wins, unless Natasha is used.

Last edited by Koeitje,


At the end of the day, scout is a “dm” class because they have the ability to pick their fights. In TF2, the initiator always has the advantage and scouts are the best at this.

As Koeitje says, knowing when and how to initiate separates the good scouts from the bad. This comes not only from experience, but knowing your own ability and condition that day.

e.g. Some days you may consistently 2-3 shot everything, in which case you should play slightly more aggressive than normal.
Or if you’re playing against scouts who significantly outskill you, it’s better to play defensively and bait them into your team.

Last edited by kuma,



Quoted from Koeitje

Doesn’t this defending Kaidus involve you dying a lot and Kaidus raping the shit out of the enemy scouts?


All depends on the situation and location. Scouts have a better ability at picking the fights they want, but in certain situations a soldier will easily dominate a scout (Z-granary, for example. There are a billion more examples). Same goes for the demo. Even for a class like the HWG. No cover for the scout? HWG wins. Ability to hit HWG before he spins up? Scout wins. Ability to peek out of cover between shots? Scout most likely wins, unless Natasha is used.

When isn’t natascha used nowadays.



Still, in theory the demo is the best DM class (even if we disregard the fact it has the highest fragging potential). Even excluding the sticky launcher. Perfect aim 1 on 1 demo would always win vs a scout. Okay, maybe not always. Worst case scenario would be the demo dying from a scatter shot before his second nade hits. Demo would probably beat soldier to, I don’t think the soldier can fire his 3rd rocket before the 2nd nade connects. Demo vs demo would tie all the time.

And no, sniper wouldn’t win all.

Last edited by Koeitje,



im surprised no1 has mentioned medic.

Medic imo is one of the easier classes to play, you really only need to have good gamesense, dodging skills and knowledge of heal order to make you an alright medic.



Quoted from Edd

im surprised no1 has mentioned medic.

Medic imo is one of the easier classes to play, you really only need to have good gamesense, dodging skills and knowledge of heal order to make you an alright medic.

It’s true, but I doubt you’re CSS experience will count for much playing medic. I may be wrong.



demo usually needs heals and/or support to get into a position to be a dm class, where as scout just goes and shots regardless. Demo can be better for dm in some cases, but from my view (maybe not everyone elses) what makes a dm class is not thinking about teamplay and just charging in rambo style and out shooting your opponent. Demo doesn’t really “shoot”, he spams and works better spamming with the support of others.

anyway, from the view of a new player, whic this thread is about :D, u’ll be hard pressed to use demo as a dm class effectively, where as with scout, it’s basically just like any other game where you need to point and click to fire.



Quoted from Edd

im surprised no1 has mentioned medic.

Medic imo is one of the easier classes to play, you really only need to have good gamesense, dodging skills and knowledge of heal order to make you an alright medic.

i didn’t go into great detail :D but yeah, i did meantion it, and tbh, for a new player with css experience, he’ll just get raged at. better for him to try other classes, cos then he’ll know what to do as medic better, and then he’ll not get raged at (as much) if he tried it out.


Thanks for all the advice guys, i read through a few detailed TF2 competitive guides. I also used to play CoD4 as the smg class, but i think i will wait tell i play a few games before deciding on a class, it seems pretty much all the classes can play in a way i would feel comfortable.

See you guys for some pick ups tonight haha

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