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The Official I39 Info Thread!! 2nd - 5th of april.

Created 27th November 2009 @ 23:49

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Tapley ❤



Right this is a basic FAQ and hopefully a guide to those of you who have never been to lan but are interested!

http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=&vps=1&jsv=191a&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=15.163673,46.450195&ie=UTF8&geocode=FY9BEAMdag7s_w&split=0 Its at newbury racecourse which holds roughly 1500 gamers over 2 buildings and several floors! Theres a trainstation right outside the event so no need to worry about having ot get picked up etc (although im sure nice guys like myself can come out and meet you if you get lost etc ^)^)
The grandstand area has the ground floor devoted to the signing in area, the main stage surrounded by chairs if your lucky enough to get to the final of tf2 or other comps, and loads of exhibition stands such as activition who had about 30 mw2 games to play on, and steelseries show up so you can buy all your periferals and many many more stands!

Then the 2 floors above that and the berkshire building are devoted to gamer areas! The TF2 lot are all in grandstand floor one this event so make sure you pick a seat with your team there!
In the seatpicker http://iseries.multiplay.co.uk/seating/ TF2 is now available so you can see who in tf2 is sat where with our own colour.

To book go here! http://iseries.multiplay.co.uk/i39/book-now/
early bird discount is active so save yourself 20% book before crimbo!

You ca/n bring your own pc which is what most people do, but if your short of a monitor or you cant fit it on the train im sure people like myself can let you borrow spares just ask! Or rent on from multiplay, you can even just turn up and play and rent a whole computer if you want.

The draw of lan is spending time with quality people and having a laugh with them not just over a mic in mumble. Getting pissed in the bar and playing drinking games whilst making perry drunk!, then going to play a few games of tf2 wasted with people next to you is good fun ;). Its just doing what you enjoy for a weekend, getting away from work/kids/gf whatever and enjoying yourself, its not just a sit at your desk geek fest :p.

Theres 2 types of people , those who love lan and those who’ve never been, loads of games devlopers bring new games and stuff for you to play on in the exhibition hall, prizes pub quiz etc its gravy.

Also at i38 we even did some exercise! Crucial bought some yanks over to hold an extreeme dodge ball comp, and me and Box? Won it and ended up getting £500 worth of ram for free! I say give it a try.

Everyone friendly and meets up at the bar or around peoples computers and has a piss around so dont worry if your coming on your own etc, theres always a great community spirit.

Other attractions are the boat race which is a drinking contest between staff and gamers in which its about 20v20 people in a waterfall one after the other downing competition. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts07406tSIY cant see me very well but im the tall one beautifull one. (my fav pic ever is me winning last years boat race :D) http://www.flickr.com/photos/mpuk/3433755733/in/set-72157616662503282/

Other Info

Mixes and Mercs – Heres a link to the mix page if you want to start or join a mix team for the comp :) http://etf2l.org/forum/community/topic-7849/

Lan Transport – Heres a link if you need a lift down or want to share traveling costs!
Multiplays forum = http://forums.multiplay.co.uk/lan-transport-help/
ETF2l’s forum for i39 travel = http://etf2l.org/forum/community/topic-7850/page-1/#post-124610

Security – Not much at all gets stolen but there can be one chav cunt out of the lot who may try his luck so just take your peripherals with you at night like headset and mouse and just chuck it in a shoulder bag, if you bring a laptop just buy a kensington lock and your all sorted. You all get security tags for your pc and monitor and cant leave the venu with ur pc and monitor unless the stickers match your i39 pass.

Sleeping – theres “red rooms” which are big long carpeted rooms in a seperate building outside 30 secs walk from the bar which have big red heat lamps inside so you just take a bit of floor and set up your sleeping bag/duvet etc.
Theres showers and wash rooms etc available on site and a camp site as well if you want to pitch a tent, or hostels/hotels to rent if your posh!

Food – Theres a tuck shop a resturant and fast food vans available 24/7 or you can go on a trip to nwebury by car and see the delights of pubs/bars or like i showed moose, skinne and springer – One Stop corner shop.

Admins – Me and mole! So you can be assured of a well run tournament fun and also run with competative gamers in mind.

Attendance – As long as we get over 8 teams there will be a decent prize wedge! We’re expecting over 20 teams this lan with community teams like BoX? bringing over 20 people! SAS and nE will bring many people again aswell, so get your shiz together people.
Im sure i’ve missed loads of stuff out so please post if you have any questions or if you need a clan/lift to lan check the above links!

The reason myself/mole are going to all this effort is because this lan will be epic! Its in the easter holiday and will put tf2 on the map as a main event game we just need you

Please post up if you have any questions or info/encouragement for the event!

Lan Pro group photos i38!



hey get in #rej thanks



YES, DO AS HE SAYS, NOW TAPLEY! I need you too.



il cyaz there



Am Gonna go. will try and drag some of my clan.


Anything announced by multiplay for tf2 specifically, prize money etc?

Tapley ❤


nothing 100% but if we get over 8/12 teams we’ll be over £1000 mark again, the more teams we get the more money on offer so cnt say currently.



hopefully going, trying to drag some dutch and norweigans so IDK can have a team :)

will be my first lan… oh ma gawd…!



Will definately be going (I’m k33n b34n5 for lan)



As mole said in another thread. Due to the failure of COD:MW2 multiplay is looking for a new grandstand game. Lets make tf2 that game! Everyone should make a big effort.

I’ve been to i36, i37 and i38 and I must admit all of the LANs have been thoroughly enjoyable even when i37 flopped massively tournament-wise. However i38 was really well ran and I put all my faith in tapley and mole to do it again at i39!



install mirc on your laptop tapley you colossal retard



I’m going with Sektor ::D



Between Cantfitmyn/Invaders and Crazy we will have two teams, if it gos well three teams ile keep nagging :D



well i said we’d go to i38 and we didnt so it seems i cant promise anything, but we are defintaely interested in going to i39 :p


(Toucan Ambassador)


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