DeutschLAN 2015: Main Thread
Created 17th January 2015 @ 20:37
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Hello fellas, long time no read!
Clark is still looking for Demos with killstreaks/big plays from DeutschLAN 2015 for the little fragumentary.
See .
Submit your plays, boys and girls!
Yours, Stinson_Out
Quoted from Selek
If you still lack clips, just get a random LAN STV and spectate Tseini.
Joke’s on you, there are no LAN-STVs, because of tight schedule prophet forgot to get them from the MTA-Team, because we had to catch a train :-/
DeutschLAN staff and BlackoutTV are happy to announce the first DeutschLAN Fundraiser Perk-Cast!
DeutschLAN Fundraiser Perk-Cast
As you may or may not remember, in order for DeutschLAN to happen, we hosted a fundraiser, asking the community for its support. In addition to helping us, donators were able to claim perks based on the size of their contribution. MoistPenguin kindly provided us with 100 € of his hard-earned money. In return, he now gets one of his Highlander Season 9 powered by mid tier official matches streamed by BlackoutTV and casted by the one and only
Tonight, 20:00CET: Team Colonslash: Frosties vs.
Sober Bear
The Frosties, formally known as Ermehgerd before joining Team Colonslash, are playing their second consecutive season in the mid tier. After a solid season in UGC Gold, where they came in 6th, reaching mid tier playoffs is now their main focus. The Russian counterparts of tonight´s clash are gonna try to interfere with these plans as they themselves are still undefeated this season.
Who will be victorious in this week 3 match? Will the teams be able to actually cap last on Barnblitz? We heard it has never been done before…
The answers to all your questions and more will be provided by Admirable and
DCS on the microphones as well as
Arjax on camera when BlackoutTV2 goes live at 20:00CET!
Last edited by DCS,
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