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I46 feedback thread

Created 1st September 2012 @ 08:58

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Havent seen a thread like this in the lan forums (havent looked that hard so apolagise if theres another thread lock this one)

Spent from friday – sunday playing in the tf2 tournamanets both 6 vs 6 and 9 vs 9 and enjoyed it alot, but a few people in our community have complained it left bugger all time to just sit down and get drunk with each other.

My suggestion is that the 6 vs 6 and 9 vs 9 run at the same time but any prize money that would of been raised for the 9 vs 9 tourny is donated to the 6 vs 6 tourny, alot of the big tf2 communitys turned up but did not play 6 vs 6 just due to the fact its pointless to play 6 vs 6 unless you actaully have a competent team.

Just wondering what other people think of this, mainly the ones who actually play highlander since some do play 6 vs 6 as well.


I imagine certain donors would stipulate that their money doesn’t go towards 6v6.


I’m not a highlander player, but I’m sure the large highlander teams wouldn’t appreciate losing out on prize money. I think highlanders still growing and treating it as a ‘branch,’ as such, of 6v6 is probably starting to become a bad idea.



I think it’s perfectly fair to keep the 2 tournaments seperate, and saying that the money for highlander should have gone to 6v6 is silly – highlander players deserve prize money too!



Two seperate tournaments are best. Also, playing in the tournament even tho you’re in a not-so-good team always helps towards maximizing the price fund, as that’s based on attending teams… and if you’re there, you might as well play a game or two?

Regarding 9v9 and 6v6 – theyre two totally different playstyles and should be kept seperate. With seperate price pools.

Russian Guyovich

(Surging Meat Cable)

Quoted from ash

Two seperate tournaments are best. Also, playing in the tournament even tho you’re in a not-so-good team always helps towards maximizing the price fund, as that’s based on attending teams… and if you’re there, you might as well play a game or two?

Agreed. There’s no real reason why a team should attend LAN to play highlander and not enter a 6v6 team. It would increase the signups and potentially the prize pool as well.

Even if they don’t get past the group stages at least it would overall improve the prominence of TF2 at i-series.



I, for one, look forward to highlander a lot. Simply because usually our 6v6 team gets demolished like 100% every time. So highlander would be awesome as a break after dem stressful 6’s, and can provide an extra motivation not to get completely piss drunk



But this is the point there was enougth people attending the lan to have 60+ teams in the tourny 6 vs 6, but lower skilled people dont sign up to the 6 vs 6 when they dont even care for competative tf2 they are public communities theres no point wasting 3-4 hours at lan to be rolled and buggered around.

There will probbaly not be another lan of similar scale until next summer to support both tournys any way so this is very distant musing! Getting the current people who actually turn up to lan to play.



Quoted from Black_Bob

Havent seen a thread like this in the lan forums (havent looked that hard so apolagise if theres another thread lock this one)

Spent from friday – sunday playing in the tf2 tournamanets both 6 vs 6 and 9 vs 9 and enjoyed it alot, but a few people in our community have complained it left bugger all time to just sit down and get drunk with each other.

My suggestion is that the 6 vs 6 and 9 vs 9 run at the same time but any prize money that would of been raised for the 9 vs 9 tourny is donated to the 6 vs 6 tourny, alot of the big tf2 communitys turned up but did not play 6 vs 6 just due to the fact its pointless to play 6 vs 6 unless you actaully have a competent team.

Just wondering what other people think of this, mainly the ones who actually play highlander since some do play 6 vs 6 as well.

I think the highlander prize for i46 was fucking awesome and did motivate the AD team and me to go for it but the biggest issue with the highlander tournament was scheduling times were cut to almost impossible times to keep if we tried to stick to the schedule with the maps we were playing (steel, gravel). If it wasn’t for tapley and firestorm kindly delaying and some of our team members delaying their rides home on sunday. We might not have even managed to play the grand final!

Like Bob suggests, having the choice between two tournaments beginning of friday at the same time would help scheduling but it could hurt 6v6 stats possibly. As for a highlander prize pool; as much as I’d like to possibly walk away with some money I think I’d much prefer a mementos prize like ruskydoo made/funded (shoutout to this awesome guy!) and all other funds send towards motivating the 6v6 players and having them provide with a fucking awesome tournament and final!

As for other feedback…

Have the photo stick to a schedule time, not the same group photo without orange ne shiorts everywhere. or better yet; Can’t we have the tf2 photo taken inside hall 3 against the wall where the black curtain is, everyone can’t miss that as it’s in plain view of their seats. And we could actually see people in the picture too this time instead taking one in the dark..



I think my biggest complaint is how Highlander is still thought of as a fun cup and a drop out cup. Highlander is on the rise and I would like to see a small prize pool for it like £100. I would also like to say that the map pool was average at best. Steel really isn’t a highlander map and well just I think the map pool and white list were rushed.

Personally I don’t mind people dropping into the HL tournie from 6s it makes for better matches but I would like to see it handled in the same manner as the 6s and people in the highlander community consulted about which maps are good and unlocks.


Hosain H


No more gravelpit


Quoted from Hosain H

No more gravelpit

Yea I think after etf2l dropped gpit it will be dropped from every other 6v6 tournament as well. [EU]

It’s a good highlander map though.

Last edited by Setlet,



Tapley was handling a lot of the highlander stuff, and it’s somewhat evident he’s not really ‘up’ on highlander so much. I think pre-event just a rough idea from the highlander core players on what maps etc. are kind of the deal right now [ie. BO3 barnblitz, fo]. Mostly though, it seemed to run fine.

Agree with the above: set an actual time for the photo beforehand and try to stick to it.

The 6v6 tournament was pretty smooth running imo, and I don’t think there are really any problems there [apart from don’t let them pick gravel pit in the final :D]

Last edited by Nymthae,



Quoted from Jazz

I think my biggest complaint is how Highlander is still thought of as a fun cup and a drop out cup. Highlander is on the rise and I would like to see a small prize pool for it like £100. I would also like to say that the map pool was average at best. Steel really isn’t a highlander map and well just I think the map pool and white list were rushed.

Personally I don’t mind people dropping into the HL tournie from 6s it makes for better matches but I would like to see it handled in the same manner as the 6s and people in the highlander community consulted about which maps are good and unlocks.


+1 pretty much

Tapley ❤


I’ll admit not as much effort was put into Highlander as it was classed as fun cup and having to work 14 hour days really saps your ability to be as responsive as possible :].

The thing is no actual highlander teams attended (except maybe kritzkast), they were just a mix of random lan players, when actual highlander teams start to show interest and attend this will help us with a case to start getting some prize money for it.

Starting them at the same time is a bad idea, mainly because 6v6 is our “Flagship” tournament and its the numbers for that tournament that dictate how seriously TF2 is taken at lan, so we want to get as much sign ups as possible. Highlander teams can just enter a 6v6 team for fun to support tf2 :], if they don’t want to get rolled then they can just not sign up?
If you start it at the same time as well you’ll miss out on 6v6 teams going out in groups and making more highlander teams themselves.

It was our first Big test of highlander on a larger scale at lan, and testing out how long maps take. If people want to drink beer then just dont enter the 6v6 tournament :]. Or perhaps we could just have double elim without the group stages for highlander? Or would that not be enough games for everyone? If people are still interested in highlander we can take what we’ve learned and dedicate 1 admin to running this tournament to make this more manageable.

When Highlander teams start taking the lan seriously (will any of the prem HL teams come to lan?) then we can start getting prize money sorted. 6v6 started out back in the day as a fun tournament with no prizes and more and more teams started to turn up and make it a prize winning tournament. HL do the same :].

ETF2l admin and the KK guys were consulted about maps and unlocks, apparntly steel was thought of as a great HL map.

TF2 Photo was handled by Vanilla, with so many people and so many delays its very hard tosay a time, but probably “15 mins after the final we’re doing it by the TF2 steps” is the best approach.

Last edited by Tapley ❤,

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