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I46 - 24th - 27th August - The official HYPE And Questions Thread!

Created 8th May 2012 @ 11:27

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I dont think having a tournament with a higher and a lower brackets it’s the best idea.

I mean, i46 is going to be the biggest LAN event in TF2 history, so it would be really nice to see as many good teams as possible. So you could just make a tournament betweeen the prem teams and the 8 div1 teams who are not going by themself like Epsilon or Infused (and TCM as well?), I presume.
Obviously the problem that you have be sure that the winning teams must go remains, so before signing up teams should garantuee to partecipate if they win or at least to give away their tickets (if it is possible) to another team or they will be given a penality (e.g. penality points for next season, season ban or whatever you want) for stealing someone else’s spot.

In case one/some of them can’t for high prices/distance/whatever (for example I don’t think a team such CIDO or ISIS or OMGII would partecipate) it could be replaced by a div 2 team that otherwise would not partecipate unless they are given a chance and they prove the could deserve it (personally I’d really like to see Vier Red or Rasta Gaming at i46).
I think that the suggestion Kaidus has given (winning team + most surprising team), is actually the more interesting, but only applying to div 2+ teams.

Obviously you might say that a tournament involving teams of all divs might be more enjoyable for the community, but as said the goal should be to have more strong teams as possible to partecipate.

Last edited by Leif,

Tapley ❤


I could say the top 2 teams win the tickets if its for the “deserving teams” but that idea would most likely just give infused/epsilon a refund :], all the prem teams that are going to attend are attending CC wouldnt attend even with free tickets.

Kaidus’ idea is interesting if we can find a decent peoples choice reason, if not i’d say a raffle for every team that enters and completes all their games picked by me is a fun idea and will get the most sign up’s i’d say.

Last edited by Tapley ❤,



CSS still has a larger prize pool :(



should give tickets to the people who have given the most to the comunity, will prob turn into a circle jerk etc but perhaps worth it e.g giving a ticket to the most helpful admin on etf2l, giving a ticket to who ever does the most on vanilla for articles etc etc.


we have a round of minesweeper too crown a real champion.


Give to people who travel the furthest



give it to TheSucker!!1


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Permzilla

give it to TheSucker!!1

To be fair, I’d like to see teams that win tickets to be ones that don’t already have them, boosting amount of teams going. For some people a ticket will encourage them to shell out the £100 to get there etc, and infused and epsilon winning tickets they already have paid for them seems retarded


(ETF2L Donator)

Any skill level you choose to be the highest allowed to enter, will be the skill level that wins the tickets. If you say the open tournament is for under d2, you’re basically saying you’ll give the tickets to the best div3 team etc etc.



Quoted from Fish

we have a round of minesweeper too crown a real champion.

Bring it on.


Quoted from atmo

Give to people who travel the furthest




Give it to the sucker :D

Last edited by Turbo,



Quoted from Turbo

Give it to the sucker :D




will be taking orders for buckfast again, you know you want it



buckfast 2strong for EU tf2

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