Need an expert help with tf2's tf_dingalingaling stuff.
Created 25th April 2010 @ 05:42
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Are you closing the game by any chance? (silly question) I tried doing that without closing the game, and just executing the cfg files and didn’t work :x
Have the same problem for some time now, it actually works on public servers and shit but not on war servers.
Try loading up your own server before joining an sv_pure 2 server. It used to work with r_rootlod 5 to get worse graphics than you should be able to get, perhaps it works with this as well.
If you can hear it when typing it into console, but not upon hit, I think it indicates that the command itself works, but sv_pure filters it out automatically. One known issue with the custom hitsound is if you join an sv_pure 2 server before having it loaded in-game, resulting in the sound not playing at any point.
If you load/play the sound before joining any games it should work (hence why people have the ‘play .wav’ in their autoexec).
I also think you should beware of copypasting what he gave to you in the cfg, as the standard text formatting affects the quotation marks, so instead add:
play "uiquake3.wav"
To your autoexec or do it manually before joining anything just after you’ve started tf2, then check and see if the hitsound works.
I added sc0pe to steam and got him into our mumble to try and resolve this, yet again still no luck.. everything that I have in my sounds and autoexec file I put into his but still… no hitsounds on his side. Everything for me works fine, everytime I load TF2 the hit sound is there, sv_pure 2 or not.
In my autoexec.cfg:
play “ding_a_ling.wav”
tf_dingalingaling “1”
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg “80”
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg “130”
tf_dingaling_volume “0.75”
tf_dingaling_wav_override “ding_a_ling.wav”
Works on pure servers, the sound file is just in the folder “sound”, no sub-dir. Is yours there?
Last edited by Abunai,
It’s a common issue. Two things which I do to fix:
Add play "hitsound.wav"
into your autoexec
Make sure that you launch TF2 via steam and not by joining of your friends.
Last edited by jgmaster,
Quoted from Greg
It’s called “sound” and not “sounds”, but since you got it to work I’m assuming you just did a typo there
It doesn’t work if you join a server through steam friends. Have to load the game up, then connect to a server.
Quoted from exm
No, sv_pure doesn’t kill anything. You have to load the custom hitsound before actually entering a sv_pure 2 server. To do that, just put “play quake3.wav” to your autoexec or “+play quake3.wav” to your launch options.
I almost gave up when I was trying to make this work back when it came out. What finally made it work for me every single time was to add the override for a custom sound, add the +play quake3.wav in launch options and NEVER laucnh the game via friends, xfire, lobby or whatever. just start the game, then it preloads the sound from the launch options command and you’re ready to go.
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