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[FB] vs eMg ... NA vs Eu - it's here!

Created 10th April 2010 @ 22:24

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Quoted from Fisshu

‘Sticky jumping with ease’ at 150 ping, 2 shotting scouts with your shotgun… is there anything you CAN’T do, Koeitje?

Read kaidus’ post again, ping hardly makes a difference. Just do your normal jump routine, it just feels weird.

ps shotgun does only slightly less than scatter, and if you hit a scout well with a rocket but he flies off it is much easier to finish him off with the shotgun than to attempt an airshot on a scout that can still jump midair and airstrafe to safety.

And I can’t RJ properly.

Last edited by Koeitje,


am I the only one who finds idiotic for a soldier to constantly try to crash on enemy medic?



Quoted from ambra

am I the only one who finds idiotic for a soldier to constantly try to crash on enemy medic?

constantly yes, but there are situations where it is a good idea to risk it.



Quoted from ambra

am I the only one who finds idiotic for a soldier to constantly try to crash on enemy medic?

Its the main tactics in all the possible situations.



Quoted from ambra

am I the only one who finds idiotic for a soldier to constantly try to crash on enemy medic?

depends how often he gets a kill I guess… :)


Quoted from dunc

depends how often he gets a kill I guess… :)

I dont like to see rocketjumping soldiers because the trail they leave and the noise produced make me upset

(yes I have some sort of condition)

l l l

Quoted from ambra

am I the only one who finds idiotic for a soldier to constantly try to crash on enemy medic?

aw…..shit, you pretty much said the role of roamers in na. Finishing a scout after hitting him with the rocket is pretty easy, but unless the scout has no movment or your shotgun is literaally touching the scout, it’s hard to just outright 2 shot him.

Last edited by l l l,



I don’t wanna act like I agree or anything but a lot of people criticize mackey for being overly aggressive and not invite-level here in NA

just sayin’

there are a lot of teams that prefer less aggressive soldiers, or have their roamers hide in gay spots (coL, A51, Pandemic)


RaWr ::

Quoted from ambra

am I the only one who finds idiotic for a soldier to constantly try to crash on enemy medic?

It depends. If your team can survive with only a single soldier, then it’s probably the best thing you can do. Obviously it’s 100% worth it if you can get the kill on the medic everytime, but it’s the times when you don’t manage it that can put you in trouble.

Advantage of having +1 soldier:

better medic protection.
more damage output.

Advantage of having your medic alive:

ubercharge often determines push timings.
fight’s can be drawn out, players can retreat and go back into the fight strong again.
team gains 33% health advantage over team without medic.

I would always take the latter over anything else, but then you got to look at your success rate in actually killing the medic. Is it really worth the ‘chance’ of having those advantages compared to definitly having the disadvantages. That’s for a team to decide. I’d probably make the decision based on my opponents.

Mackey had a pretty good success rate, I’d have taken that but remember, with the higher pings, it was a lot harder to stop an airbourne soldier. He played to his opponents weaknesses so yes… in that game I think it was essential for a soldier to go for the medic.


arx: PhD in tf2



mackey is generally pretty hit-or-miss imo

sometimes he’s on fire, like in the FB match, sometimes he goes 11-33


sooo when is the extv goign up ?



I don’t know if he’s doing a seperate one but eXtine was on this vidcast – http://www.tgbf.tv/read.php?item=276


That’ll keep me busy for a lil while thnx!



Quoted from AcidReniX

with the higher pings, it was a lot harder to stop an airbourne soldier.

Ping does not really make a difference you just see people or rockets later.
Ping is no excuse if you just suck. I am playing with a inconstand ping of 120-170 on any euro server even so i am living in the middle of germany and still i can kill people with a ping about 30 or less. By the words you just typed i should be doomed all the time but i am not!
People just suck and than they blame the server, thair connection thair bad day… what a joke …

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