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TPlay boX? MidAir Pro Duel Server [New IP]

Created 8th April 2010 @ 13:48

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And its broke again :)


(Toucan Ambassador)

So I was playing a bit of the old midair last night and one of my opponents stood on the edge looking down at me constantly waiting for cheap shots.

I fired a few rockets to make him think twice about what I perceived to be unsporting play only for him to ask “Why so lame?”

Sure I could do a million wall jumps to make it a little trickier for him but I’m not a try-hard faggot; I’m a manly one-jump sort of guy.

So my question to you all is, what do you consider to be good midair etiquette?
Is it win at all costs or do you actually enjoy life? :D



*Down again due to another TF2 update messing everything up*



Quoted from Admirable

So I was playing a bit of the old midair last night and one of my opponents stood on the edge looking down at me constantly waiting for cheap shots.

I fired a few rockets to make him think twice about what I perceived to be unsporting play only for him to ask “Why so lame?”

Sure I could do a million wall jumps to make it a little trickier for him but I’m not a try-hard faggot; I’m a manly one-jump sort of guy.

So my question to you all is, what do you consider to be good midair etiquette?
Is it win at all costs or do you actually enjoy life? :D

Haha, i see that so many times, thats awful. Point of the server is to train aim, not to faggot shot ppl jumping. Best thing to do is to do exactly the same til he rages and quit the serv.

Imo stay on the opposite side and actually try to AIRSHOT is the way to go :)



Quoted from Admirable

So I was playing a bit of the old midair last night and one of my opponents stood on the edge looking down at me constantly waiting for cheap shots.

I fired a few rockets to make him think twice about what I perceived to be unsporting play only for him to ask “Why so lame?”

Sure I could do a million wall jumps to make it a little trickier for him but I’m not a try-hard faggot; I’m a manly one-jump sort of guy.

So my question to you all is, what do you consider to be good midair etiquette?
Is it win at all costs or do you actually enjoy life? :D

Unless someone is hitting me every time i jump, i just do one jump strafes around the point and try knocking them off on the way down.

If they are hitting me through the strafe i’ll do a couple of wall jumps to try and get around them.

Good etiquette= always jumping when you are on the floor and always allowing the person to jump when they are on the floor.

Pointless playing for cheap shots, where’s the practice there?



Quoted from Admirable

So I was playing a bit of the old midair last night and one of my opponents stood on the edge looking down at me constantly waiting for cheap shots.

I fired a few rockets to make him think twice about what I perceived to be unsporting play only for him to ask “Why so lame?”

Sure I could do a million wall jumps to make it a little trickier for him but I’m not a try-hard faggot; I’m a manly one-jump sort of guy.

So my question to you all is, what do you consider to be good midair etiquette?
Is it win at all costs or do you actually enjoy life? :D

Yeah it was fun playing against firerain ><


Quoted from jgmaster


Yeah it was fun playing against firerain ><

Rage ? :(

Last edited by firerain,


(Toucan Ambassador)

Quoted from jgmaster


Yeah it was fun playing against firerain ><

Hehe :D
He is a cool guy really. It’s just a bit of provocative jesting, no names, no names!



Quoted from firerain


Rage cus u got pwn3d? :(

By your ego? Just a bit, it’s too much for me.

In all seriousness I understand why people do it but it’s not exactly helping, at least if you stood back you have more of a chance of actually practicing for pcw situations. Don’t remember the last time I looked down from a box waiting to spas my arm for an airshot, granary included.


I’m not a solly so i just lameshot people as they jump wna get my rating up



i have been called a head shooter



Both the boX? Midair Mod ( and the boX? kAmmomod ( servers are now working again!

Thanks SourceMod team for fixing what Valve broke!

Enjoy :D

Last edited by Cobby,



YES, another win for boX? <3



:D Awsome jsut been playing on the ammo mod server and I noticed you can now see your opponents health during the match, still pretty new to ammo mod but i cant rember seeing it in the last version.

Sofa King

Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tanks,

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