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Becoming more reliable?

Created 6th April 2010 @ 20:26

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Quoted from GibbZ

I always play at a top standard.

Obviously. Best scout in Europe man.



AcidRenix’s post is a must read

That was just excellent AcidRenix, you totally cleared out some major things in this game for me and probably for most of the people on this forum.
Good job!

Last edited by Atty,


Be confident, know that you are better without underestimating opponents.

Don’t over-analyze any aspect of your game, especially when playing. It just leads to hesitation and lack of confidence.

Experience will make it so you KNOW the answer (what to do) without even asking yourself the question. Trust yourself and don’t second guess your instincts.

Adapt your gameplay to how well or badly you are aiming. In other words, DO NOT RELY ON AIM. All players have variation in aim over time. The best players adjust their approach so that they can do well even when their aim is terrible, and capitalize on it when aim is strong.


youre good or you fail

good read anyhoo


(Actual Size)

For me, reliance came with experience. I had the same problems as you when i was active, sometimes i was on fire and sometimes, not so much.

Think longterm. You might not see difference in your play from day to day, or week to week, but when I kept playing a lot, I got a feeling every few month like “Hey, I’ve performed pretty good the last 3-4 matches, none of the usual dropouts!”.

Its without doubt the most boring advice, but i really believe reliability and confidence comes with alot of practice – and obviously it helps if most of that practice is with a team around same skill level as yourself :).

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