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Becoming more reliable?

Created 6th April 2010 @ 20:26

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Quoted from iQue


And you will have great forearm strength so you can keep steadier aim

Shame it doesn’t work for Dny lololololololol



Quoted from Skyride


Shame it doesn’t work for Dny lololololololol

oh no u didn


Not wanting to turn this into a high sens vs low sens but for the majority of people low sens i promise you will be better.

Fact. Do not disagree with me.


rockit like

Quoted from franco

Not wanting to turn this into a high sens vs low sens but for the majority of people low sens i promise you will be better.

Fact. Do not disagree with me.

higher the better.


RaWr ::

Quoted from Darn


higher the better.

Darn has spoken… lock thread! :D



play with a sensitivity that feels comfortable to you, obviously they both have pros but ultimately it boils down to each different individual.

stick with said sensitivity and don’t change it. If your really wanting to be fussy try not to pla with weapons such as the direct hit as this is obviously not going to make you consistent with your regular rocket aim (if your a solly).

Take your time over your shots and pay more attention to the amount of ammo you have. If you have nothing loaded, you’re at quite a disadvantage :p

My 2 cents.

‘consistency is the key’
‘you’re only as good as you’re last game’

remember those every time you load up tf2




play quake live


Quoted from minimoose

Higher sens = lower margin for error = bad (and I play with a relatively high sens)

For example, if I move my mouse 0.1cm away from where it should be and i have 40cm/360, then it wont effect my shot by much, if i do the same distance but im on 5cm/360 then the miss is much greater.

Are you a full on retard or what ?



Quoted from flushy

have a glass of water or squash beside your desk so whenever your thirsty u have something to drink… stay hydrated!!!!!!!!1

i think i love you



Quoted from VooDooSeNSe

play quake live



IMHO, relaxing from time-to-time and having less of those stressful situations should impact the stability of your aiming greatly. Although it’s not like we have an option of not having some stress related activities, but the key word here is “relaxing” :) I might be crazy tho

[Update] Low sens users, don’t you get bullied for having a humongous right arm? People don’t know you’re gamers, they might think the hand grew after doing some other activities!

*safety smile* :)

Last edited by ups,



Quoted from Darn


higher the better.

bybben uses low sense. /lock thread

Last edited by Sketch,


Don’t fatigue yourself on ‘training’ so much.
Go on a jog, get a good night’s sleep, relaaaax.



Quoted from Abunai

Don’t fatigue yourself on ‘training’ so much.
Go on a jog, get a good night’s sleep, relaaaax.

play ammomod until your wrist aches



Turn viewmodels off. Some people (like me) tend to aim with the barrel rather than the crosshair, and you notice a masive difference straight away with viewmodels off. I personally switched back because even though it made my scout 1000* times better, it made my demo pretty meh.

Also I have this thing where my mousepad feels different all the time. Sometimes it’s really smooth and glides nicely without much push from me, other times it feels really rough and I have to conciously move the mouse further than my muscles want to to get what I’m desiring. Maybe this has nothing to do with you, maybe not.

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