Problems in the TF2 Community
Created 8th March 2010 @ 14:18
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Quoted from Thalien
Dodgeball > Prophunt
Clearly neither of you have ever played Randomizer, pity there’s no Euro server with this on it.
Quoted from daithi1
Clearly neither of you have ever played Randomizer, pity there’s no Euro server with this on it.
Randomizer is OSSUM
It would be an understatement to say it is disappointing to see some supposedly respected people’s posts here, it would also be an understatement to say it is petty and low that those and other people have seemingly applied ignorance to their comprehension of Nightbox’s post, and have summed that up with a “lol fucking moron troll” upon seeing who created this thread, he is well meaning and I “just don’t get” why some of you think this is a “troll” thread, the tone I have observed from Nightbox’s post is well meaning and hopeful towards a better community, and if it is considered trolling to bring up such important issues I myself would say the TF2 community is most certainly dead.
Quoted from Mike
It would be an understatement to say it is disappointing to see some supposedly respected people’s posts here, it would also be an understatement to say it is petty and low that those and other people have seemingly applied ignorance to their comprehension of Nightbox’s post, and have summed that up with a “lol fucking moron troll” upon seeing who created this thread, he is well meaning and I “just don’t get” why some of you think this is a “troll” thread, the tone I have observed from Nightbox’s post is well meaning and hopeful towards a better community, and if it is considered trolling to bring up such important issues I myself would say the TF2 community is most certainly dead.
Needs more than 1 full stop :D Umm to add something to the thread, don’t hate on Nightbox, he tries an awful lot more than half the community.
Quoted from octochris
i was going to read this post, but i saw this before i had a chance to start reading and didn’t bother at all
Chris, what the hell do you know. You randomly started posting like crazy on the forum recently, so don’t start acting like you’ve been around since day one..
Quoted from blorg
Chris, what the hell do you know. You randomly started posting like crazy on the forum recently, so don’t start acting like you’ve been around since day one..
I agree with blorg for once :o
In a nutshell:
What changed in the tf2 community? I got banned in tf2lobby.
thanks to technicians and thank you gryzor I love you.
I was banned in the tf2lobby more than 1 month ago, i was stating the admins priorities.
I said that Gryzor is a nice guy, I don’t love him :)
I’m Blorg and what is this ?
Quoted from Spary
In a nutshell:
What changed in the tf2 community? I got banned in tf2lobby.
thanks to technicians and thank you gryzor I love you.
it took you 3 hours and 26 minutes to summarise what nightbox said!
can the next angsty pre-teen who decides to rage against the etf2l machine please omit me from your four-point bullet list of league flaws? as seraph has already posted, my garbage was a joke from the beginning, a joke that i created myself.
in your attempt to spin your personal vendetta against the league to “save it,” you cite me as if that offers some sort of credence to your argument, but both times it’s come up it’s just been people whining about being slighted on a personal level. you’re not going to afflict any change in etf2l by whining for 6 paragraphs about The Good Old Days when all of the people who liked you had power in the community and now they don’t BUT ALSO I GOT BANNED FROM AN UNRELATED OFF-SITE THING and so tf2 is dead but i’m here, nightbox the romanian national hero, to save you from the cruelties of tf2lobby and its dictatorial leaders…
it’s okay to have little grudges against people here (fuck off Swarley) but for fuck’s sake stop publicizing them and embarrassing yourselves.
Torden did it right, Skyride at least tried in some way but failed, and then Nightbox decided that he needed to create an impoverished knock-off of Skyride’s post like the Fruity Hoops to Skyride’s Fruit Loops.
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