New TF2 DM Server
Created 31st January 2010 @ 18:07
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Alright, everything is working apart from one bug I know of, updating op to have IP in it.
awesome, ill give it a shot :)
Quoted from saiboat
i feel you mate but if you see a running dm server which has gravel on please tell me. at the moment it crashes as soon as i put it on. somehow something is failing with tf2dm and that map at the moment :(
I believe the GoV DM server has gravelpit in its rotation. ip is
Quoted from Destrutor
Thats what I get when I type that in, apart from that I don’t know how to change cfg’s that are installed on multiplay. I could probably do it on gameservers, but multiplay are weird and have everything there in a gui. You just click on the mod you want and hit install, which is what I did…
EDIT – Everything works now, apart from the mapvote. Also, are you supposed to get full hp and ammo on a kill, or is that just something that the r@ts clan have done personally to their server?
rats have done it themselves, I guess there are plugins for it though.
Just do health on kill if you want to do one at all, giving ammo just encourages spam. I say this because when I compare rats to pingtimeout I find rats has a lot more spam, maybe that’s just the people who play on it though.
Last edited by minimoose,
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