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Uber medic pro's needed!

Created 9th January 2010 @ 22:02

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Once again I’m bumping an old thread, sorry, but this question is at least related.

Ermm, I wanna put some elements of these scripts into my config, but I have no idea where to put them. I cant seem to find a ‘medic config’ folder anywhere, and I have no clue about these things. I’m assuming I need to create a medic config folder but where and exactly what should it be called? Sorry to be sooooo n000000b.

I have the fake uber bound to my mouse wheel, so clicking my wheel left does the ‘x’ and then ‘8’ thing, so I don’t need to bind it but I would like the chat messages for me using uber/faking uber to come up. I presume I just put the other bits in without the ‘bind’ bits? God I’m clueless, I really am, please help this poor wretch!

Last edited by Monkeh,


There should be a medic.cfg in your “tf/cfg” folder.

If not, create a text file in your “tf/cfg” folder and name it medic.cfg… Then click yes to the windows pop up that follows and you have created a medic config file which will be executed when you load your medic class in game.



Quoted from Buffalo Bill

tf_fake_uber 1

+1 ban



Thanks Pvt. Pyle, I found the medic.cfg file but it isn’t a folder and I cant add anything to it, nor open it. It’s a 1KB ‘CFG’ file. Should I delete it and make a new text file called medic.cfg, then paste the bits I want in, save it and have it work beautifully? Or should I just accept I got to vocalize on mumble when I uber/fake? I’ll try it and see.

Await a post on here somewhere in 5 minutes asking how to fix my broken tf2……



Right click the CFG file and open it up in notepad.



Thanks, that worked but the config didn’t, so at least I can open my config files now, good work sir.

If I have the fake uber call, ie pressing ‘x’ and then ‘8’, recorded on my mouse wheel, ’tilt left’, then all I want is for when I click it and call out ‘I’m charged’ a team chat message will come up saying that I’m faking, and for it to say that I’ve used uber when I use it too. It can’t be hard, but then, I’m not sure I have a brain.



I can confirm that you don’t have a brain, Monkeh.
(I love my medic)



God I cant do anything in private can I!!!

So I got it working but I dont want ‘n’ bound to a fake uber as I have that already on my mouse wheel. So I need the script to realise that I’m faking uber when I press x and then 8, (Or just flick my mouse wheel left.) I tried just deleting the ‘bind n…’ bit but that didn’t work.

Thanks for the help guys, just one final push and I’ll leave you alone….. for a bit anyways.

Last edited by Monkeh,



Quoted from Monkeh

God I cant do anything in private can I!!!

So I got it working but I dont want ‘n’ bound to a fake uber as I have that already on my mouse wheel. So I need the script to realise that I’m faking uber when I press x and then 8, (Or just flick my mouse wheel left.) I tried just deleting the ‘bind n…’ bit but that didn’t work.

Thanks for the help guys, just one final push and I’ll leave you alone.

I don’t quite understand what you’re saying, and I don’t think anyone else will either (because you’re referring to specific bits of a script without telling us what it is)…

If you add me on Steam I can give you some help if you like.



What hes saying is he wants a button that when he presses ‘x’, it says in team chat “i’m faking uber”.

Thats totally pointless mate as the script on this thread makes it do both with one button. :P



Ok, cheers man, consider yourself added. No skyride, that’s not it.

What I want is for when I fake an uber charge, which I do by clicking my mouse wheel left, it says in team chat that im faking. I have programmed my mouse so that when I click the wheel left it presses ‘x’ to open the voice menu, then presses ‘8’ to choose uber ready blah blah. So to fake uber atm I just click my mouse wheel left.

What I would like is for when I do that, ie press ‘x’ then ‘8’ and fake charge, we get a little team chat message saying that it was me faking.

I dont want it bound to ‘n’ as it only takes me one button press anyway, and it’s an easier button to reach than ‘n’.

Last edited by Monkeh,



Quoted from Monkeh

Ok, cheers man, consider yourself added. No skyride, that’s not it.

What I want is for when I fake an uber charge, which I do by clicking my mouse wheel left, it says in team chat that im faking. I have programmed my mouse so that when I click the wheel left it presses ‘x’ to open the voice menu, then presses ‘8’ to choose uber ready blah blah. So to fake uber atm I just click my mouse wheel left.

What I would like is for when I do that, ie press ‘x’ then ‘8’ and fake charge, we get a little team chat message saying that it was me faking.

I dont want it bound to ‘n’ as it only takes me one button press anyway, and it’s an easier button to reach than ‘n’.

is mousewheel left a button?



A-ha, of course I could just map ‘n’ to the mouse wheel left click couldn’t I? Motherfooking DOH!

Edit: Ofc that worked fine. Sometimes I amaze myself with my idiocy! Thanks guys.

Last edited by Monkeh,



Naturally it just couldn’t be that simple with me though could it? Oh no.

So I put this in my medic.cfg file :

//Medic Ubercharge Script
alias +ubercharge “+attack2; say_team –ACTIVATING UBERCHARGE–”
alias -ubercharge “-attack2”
bind “MOUSE2” “+ubercharge”

//Fake Ubercharge
alias talk “say_team –FAKING UBER READY–”
alias fakeuber “talk; voicemenu 1 7”
bind “n” “fakeuber”

It works fine…except for pressing mouse 2 at any time makes me say the uber has been popped, so is it possible to have that only come up when I do actually pop uber, not when I’m frantically holding mouse2 down on 95% and getting jumped on by an aggro solly?

Also after I play medic, if I swop to, say, demo, then everytime I detonate stickies my uber message pops up too. Almost as if the medic config stays around after I change class.

Any way of stopping these things?


Yeah put in every other class cfg “bind mouse2 “+attack2” or whatever you have there.

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