TF2 Update (06/01/10)
Created 6th January 2010 @ 21:03
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Q FUCKING Q…………. the sweet life of random ramboing as scout has now come to an end…. im quitting this game right nao…
Q FUCKING Q…………. the sweet life of random ramboing as scout has now come to an end…. im quitting this game right nao…
get out
The only thing the FaN has going for it over the scattergun is the movement. The rate of fire increase is minimal and you have nothing to stop a scattergun scout from pushing straight onto you. He deals the same amount of damage as you only he gets more attempts at it. The movement side of the FaN is almost useless in combat anyway as it reduces you to a 1 shot weapon before reload. Damage over time or burst damage is simply more beneficial to your team than survivability (Which a regular scout is almost as good at anyway). Before, the FaN out did the scattergun in burst damage, now it has neither. It’s significantly worse to run the FaN now, not equal. The only reason why i’m still using it is because I enjoy using it, not because it’s equally effective (which it was, or close to before).
Some posts ago u said:
The difference is, I don’t and won’t moan about it. I play the game as valve sets out :P I don’t care for this update, some of the changes sound good!. At least if people get killed by my FaN scouting now they shouldn’t have a reason to bitch about it.
Yeah, and then there’s all that shit from vlad, “arx uses it for the movement and versatility!” blah blah.
Haunter wins, end of discussion. I hope the FaN is utter dogshit so the D3 scouts can go back where they belong.
hardly any movement worth using ever since they tried to fix the fan knockback for the first time. I stopped using it when the extra movement really just became an extra jump. There’s nothing hard about an extra jump, if anyone would have watched a decent scout who was handling the FaN (aka me) when the movement required some skill you would have seen that the gun had a lot of potential on movement alone. They fucked that up long ago, i just can’t help myself but cringe when i see people say they use the fan for the movment cuz it’s utter shallow and shit.
The only reason to keep using the FaN was that faggy knockback which is now almost rendered obsolete so i guess the FaN is in fact dead.
Last edited by Arnold,
i agree with arnold the movement was screwed long ago and since it has less knockback than a scattergun now its completely useless…
Haunter, before you pop the cork on that victory champagne dunc handed you (apparently arguments are decided on his word, like that guy from mortal kombat 1 that sat in the middle and pulled the puppet strings), i’m pretty sure nothing arx said in his post was moaning, in fact if anything he proved his own point by saying he uses it because he enjoys it. I honestly don’t see where he moaned and i challenge you to point it out as well, but i’m sure skinnie will pop up before long and say “OH NICE ONE VLAD THANKS FOR SHOWING YOU’RE A RETARD” in an authoritative manner which no one dares question and dunc will give him a winners medal too.
I’ll slow it down for you dunc: the gun had slightly better dm capabilities than scatter + movement and versatility. They take away the knockback which reduces its dm and versatility. So now the gun has a fair bit worse dm, movement, and less versatility. Gun is now worse than before. Oh and no one’s moaning.
I appreciate you trying to supply my part in the conversation, but you’re no robert deniro, you really didn’t capture the essence of vlad.
Vlad wins, end of discussion
Hey this is fun!
Edit: Arnold just outlined the same things as arx also without moaning, it IS possible to say an unbiased evidence based review on something without it being moaning. The irony being you moaning about him moaning when he didn’t moan.
Don’t worry skinnie, i’ve got it covered for you in my next post.
Last edited by vlad_drac,
Try and smile for once boys, it’s meant to be a game.
Last edited by vlad_drac,
someone likes to talk to himself/herself(not sure m8, so forgive me):D
I have no idea what that wall of text was about.
where’s my medal
I wasn’t moaning. I was stating the changes. I’m still using the gun until it’s useless because I enjoy it, however I’m not complaining about the change, just mentioning what the differences are.
As for me ‘crying’, I’m not like you ‘cryers’ who spend 6 months moaning about a gun and wanting all unlocks banned because you lack the brain power to come up with effective counters. A one dimensional game is apparently all you guys can handle. If you consider each unlock a new TF2 class (scout1: default, scout2: default + bonk, scout3: default + fan, scout4: Fan + bonk, scout5: etc…..) then TF2 with unlock becomes like a 150 class game, with around 50 classes that are actually useful in competitive play. Apparently it’s too much for some people and they want to reduce it to 9. I’d rather have all of them be viable and have to work out strategies to deal with each combination of classes (not in advance, just on the fly).
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