
Allowing Spy and Sniper stuff now?

Created 17th July 2009 @ 06:05

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If you’re not going to allow jar because you can’t rj while under it’s effect then ban the fan as the same goes for it too. =)



If you’re not going to allow jar because you can’t rj while under it’s effect then ban the fan as the same goes for it too. =)


Hope Valve gives us sollies a jetpack in the next update and the ability to clusterbomb the shit out of the other team.


it's a farm

There will be public polls about it later.

Pretty sure you can rocket jump whilst pissed on now? A friend and I tested it and it seemed to work.


There will be public polls about it later.

about the FaN aswell ?



spy and sniper unlocks are fine in my opinion, due to the simple fact that you actually have to run a spy or sniper to use them, which in 6v6 means sacrificing mobility or survivability (scout and sol).

the bow is clearly inferior to the sniper rifle, jarate is a bit spammable and should you run a sniper will probably be preferable to the smg; i think we will have to play a lot of games with it before we can ascertain if it improves or detracts from gameplay.

the new watches are fine and have their drawbacks, the ambassador seems to be hit and miss on headshots but i don’t think it’s particularly better than the revolver in a 6v6 setting.

FaN on the other hand is the only unlock apart from the sandman that notably worsens gameplay. as i said before, this game is spammy and lacking in pace enough without another weapon that stuns you in place.


Personally, I don’t like Jarate. In a confined battle/space (ie. mid caps, or badlands last etc.) you can almost cover the whole team + 2 stickies or so maybe.

Although this might happen when using jarate, I don’t think that this is somehow overpowered in terms of the competitive gameplay, because there are certain conditions that are have to be met in order to give the other team a significant advantage.

First of all, as someone said before, sniper has to risk in order to use jarate – get closer to the opponents. That way he loses his long range advantage and is generally weaker.

Secondly, usually he has to out-flank you in order to get closer.And I beleave that, since the other team loses one scout in favour of a sniper, your scouts should be able to deal with him before he gets too close and pulls-off something smart. If they didn’t call him when they should’ve, feel free to rage at them (and the rest of your team) on vent/mumble.

And finally, your teammates will have to be quite close to each other. Jarate’s splash range isn’t that great , you know.

In places like the last cap on badlands, both teams have an uber (well,usually), that renders jarate pretty much useless imo.

P.S. I like the way that valve think(s). When they introduced the sandman and some matches were played with it, players (well, from what I’ve seen) had to block the stunned teammate from the enemy attacks, if their teammate was remotely useful to them (eg. medic). They did basically the same with jarate: now you have to protect your comrads when they were ‘pissed on’.This kinda adds some variety to the gameplay, but is annoying as hell.

MY ENGLISH IS NOT VERY BIG, so I’m really sorry if I made some spelling/grammar mistakes.



I’m still hit and miss on jarate but yea, the FaN in my opinion doesn’t make the game any funner.



Pretty sure you can rocket jump whilst pissed on now? A friend and I tested it and it seemed to work.

Nope. At least not higher than maybe the height of a player. If they fix that I don’t see any problems with it being allowed.



Medic unlocks: OK!
Heavy unlocks: OK!
Scout: Sandman banned, rest OK!
Sniper: Ban all
Spy: Ambassador banned, rest OK!


Medic unlocks: OK!
Heavy unlocks: OK!
Scout: Sandman banned, rest OK!
Sniper: Ban all
Spy: Ambassador banned, rest OK!

I’m sure that everyone will be amazed by your multiple arguments on the current subject that prove your point of view :)



Pretty sure you can rocket jump whilst pissed on now? A friend and I tested it and it seemed to work.

Nope. At least not higher than maybe the height of a player. If they fix that I don’t see any problems with it being allowed.

Just tried it, you CAN rocket and stickyjump as normal when you are pissed on.


cloack and dagger way too op

cloack and dagger way too op

Could you elaborate on this a little? Intuitively for me it seems like if you’re sitting around anywhere for any length of time perma-cloaked then that’s basically your team down to 5 men, which I would have thought was you know… sub-optimal…

Then again it’s possible you were being sarcastic >_< (it's sometimes hard to tell on the stupid internets!)


with cNd every spy turn in to a master spy able to time attacks right and disappear after their strike and stay alive.

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