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Ideas for a new rocket launcher

Created 14th July 2009 @ 11:35

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My suggestion:

Rocket Launcher Lite

– No random crits (like Blutsauger)
– Smaller splash range

+ Rockets travel faster (slower than Quake3, but faster than the current RL)
+ Direct hits cause more damage (mini-crit?)
+ Less self-damage

Would be a fairly balanced RL for pubs and a good buff to the Soldier in competitive play.

or maybe Quake Launcher:

– No random crits
– Smaller splash range
– 25% overall damage reduction

+ Rockets travel faster
+ Direct hits cause more damage
+ Less self-damage
+ Clipsize=all ammo
+ Instant switch to shotgun and back (after cooldown time)

I’m not very serious about these and haven’t thought them quite through, but I’d like to hear your own ideas.



History learns us that valve does not use unlockables to balance a class.
Instead you should try to come up with a weapon that adds something new.

Pretty much all of the past unlockables had a certain mechanic, it can be health leeching, slowdown or things like a bow or a backblast. Valve does not bring out the weapons to balance things(though it can be part of the design goals) instead valve brings them to add content. To lure players back and to keep the game appealing to new players. Thats the reason why valve uses ideas from the steamforums and not from here. New weapons need to be cool and have new mechanics, they need to be gimmicks.

Take the heavy for example. A nice weapon would have been one that spins up faster while doing less damage or having an overheat. This would be a very a nice sidegrade, however it does not add anything new and it would not be as good for marketing / hype as the sandvich. And besides, you should not use a weapon sidegrade to solve certain problems like selfdamage that a class might have.

So if you want to come up with a serious unlockable idea you will need to make sure that its actually a new weapon that is interesting for all players.


faster rockets and mini crits on direct hits sounds cool, would make moar airshots seeable =)


faster rockets and mini crits on direct hits sounds cool, would make moar airshots seeable =)

And would change the main style of play alot to as currently people dont risk missing to get a full body shot that often tbh

Would be nice to see, work out the numbers etc and send them to Valve?



edit: racio needs to learn to reply by replying and not by editing his post


+1 very nice idea



its great. but faster rockets will make for rockets nobody can dodge anymore. i’d have a lot of trouble with faster rockets (still 2 hits = dead) as a scout. imagine how the other heavy classes would cry their heart out if the rockets got any faster



its great. but faster rockets will make for rockets nobody can dodge anymore. i’d have a lot of trouble with faster rockets (still 2 hits = dead) as a scout. imagine how the other heavy classes would cry their heart out if the rockets got any faster

Are you saying that at the moment Soldier’s rockets are just on the edge of being too fast? I strongly disagree, but I’m not talking about insanely faster rockets either. Just a subtle change that would give Soldiers a chance to show some airshot skills against jump-spamming scouts on an open area.



Homing missiles that take forever to reload but kick ass when you actually get to shoot one. Or maybe one you can control midflight… Like a small first-person-view window opens up and you move it there as long as you hold +attack. =D


its great. but faster rockets will make for rockets nobody can dodge anymore. i’d have a lot of trouble with faster rockets (still 2 hits = dead) as a scout. imagine how the other heavy classes would cry their heart out if the rockets got any faster

Are you saying that at the moment Soldier’s rockets are just on the edge of being too fast? I strongly disagree, but I’m not talking about insanely faster rockets either.

Faster rockets = less damage and i dont think the damage is quite right atm, i think a little less fall off and alot less self damage :x

With demoman i understand why he has so much self damage becasue its so easy to get enemys from a distance but with soldier because of the speed of the rockets i think it should do like 5/10% less self damage :>


Homing missiles that take forever to reload but kick ass when you actually get to shoot one. Or maybe one you can control midflight… Like a small first-person-view window opens up and you move it there as long as you hold +attack. =D

Rofl, if there was going to be something like that it would be through a laser sight like the HL2 Rocket Launcher



Redeemer. The solly needs a redeemer. Nuff said.



HL2 Rocket Launcher

I assume it’s the same than HL1? Shoot it in CP4 of Badlands, right side of the spire, after a while move the dot to the deck. Rocket catches medic’s back.



HL2 Rocket Launcher

I assume it’s the same than HL1? Shoot it in CP4 of Badlands, right side of the spire, after a while move the dot to the deck. Rocket catches medic’s back.



Im gonna laugh REALLY hard if soli gets something like a sandwich… Or something that replaces the shotgun

Also shotgun can kill a scout in 2 hits :X Not that it ever does :D



My gimmicky one

+ Rocket jumping on people’s heads is an instant kill
– Only 2 rockets in a clip

Too little a nerf?

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