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Pickups: Feature requests

Created 6th July 2009 @ 19:42

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Why do you want to fuck it up? The pick system is good, just change comm-program to mumble and everything is fine. There is just some inactivity on pick 2, but thats it.

ps: yanks are shit



Quoted from ZeyOrk

Why do you want to fuck it up? The pick system is good, just change comm-program to mumble and everything is fine. There is just some inactivity on pick 2, but thats it.

ps: yanks are shit

So then in pickups if you want to practise scout and see that it is full you wait for the next one, or then you won’t have people in vent going “can i play scout? can i play scout? can i play scout? can i play scout?” Then upon going sniper having ur scout slot taken.

Simple faggatory which is starting to get too common in pickup1, people just generaly being morons for the sake of it and making it less enjoyable.

Today I wished to play scout, I asked, scouts didn’t want to, and that’s fine, but you do get too many complainers that dont want to drop it.

I even had one wee lad that refused to do anything constructive in the match jsut because he didnt get to play the class he wanted.


Then play something else ffs, learn to tolerate this kind of situations, you dont always get what you want.

Ps: hint, there is a !admin command for that boy

Quoted from ZeyOrk

Then play something else ffs, learn to tolerate this kind of situations, you dont always get what you want.

And this system is so everybody gets to be happy. I don’t see how that is a bad thing.



Quoted from WARHURYEAH

[…]Then upon going sniper having ur scout slot taken.

Report them if they refuse to give your class back. The rules clearly state (at least did the last time I read them) that once the game has started with the first mid cap you are allowed to change class for a few lives and no one are allowed to take your original class.

Rules will only be followed if there is a downside to not following them, and that won’t happen unless people report.



Quoted from ZeyOrk

Then play something else ffs, learn to tolerate this kind of situations, you dont always get what you want.

Ps: hint, there is a !admin command for that boy

I’m sorry lord ZeyOrk, you are obviously to sexy for me to disagree with, hihihihi etc…

+I’m more than happy to play and class, but some others are not and going to lengths to wait for someone to change class is cheap.



what eon said plus make a rule that everyone must use mic not just sit in voice program


I’m for class choosing b4 match. Then it wouldn’t be so much fight over one class in-game, which ultimately leads to the point when person not playing his desirable class takes pyro or sniper and everyone starts yelling “Take Scout!” for example.

Pickups is a really strange place. Shouldn’t there be an age limit? Like 15?



If you want to play a class then connect early to the server. If you dont get the class you want then get a sub. Pretty simple!



mumble :)

oo & gravel pit



Quoted from caned

mumble :)

oo & gravel pit

agree with mumble, not with gravelpit. it suckss :)



disable voting and have a fixed map rotation so that i can occasionally play something other than granalands


Quoted from Mark

If you want to play a class then connect early to the server. If you dont get the class you want then get a sub. Pretty simple!

that’s where 6GB RAM come in <3 ^^



Maybe add a feature that lets you use say a /sub [class] [Team not found] command in the tf2 chatbox that lets the bot announce a ‘sub needed *class* *team* *server* *time remaining* string.

People could be able to respond with !sub in the chan. And maybe could respond back to server chat ‘sub coming *playername*’

That way people dont need to alt-tab to get a sub, the bot could keep repeating the string for as long as its not filled, people on the server would know what the status is on the sub. Furthermore this would enabe stats being kept on subs.



servers would need a logadress to a daemon.

the daemon will then use rcon to say the sub is comming ;P

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