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Pickups: Feature requests

Created 6th July 2009 @ 19:42

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Quoted from Rele

So, should I just query any admin if I got a question?

Who is pu-admin besides F2, anyway?

baerbel, ket-, etc etc etc

Anyone with @ infront of their name in IRC.



Sooo, any update about a ‘new / old’ pu2? 1.5 (comms, know what to do etc. )

pu1 is boring 95% of the times. No comms no nothing.



Hmm? :(


Do you honestly still care?

Just play pickup1 to warm-up («feel the mouse») if a dm server doesn’t really provide enough of a warm-up for you;
play mixes if you want to spend the time whilst having some fun with people you know

and you should be alright :)

Last edited by ups,



Ofcourse I care, there are moments people cba to mix / not enough people online.

So many times we had a team and we couldn’t find an opponent that was decent enough to play against. I don’t play pickups to warm up, just to have a fun game/have some fun with strangers. And I can count all my fun games @ pickup1 on 1 hand. ( big difference with the old pu2 )


I have a plan of actions you may want to use:

1) Add Zeyork to steam friends
2) … ?!
3) Profit

Zeyork can find people for the mix even if they are not even online. Or if they’re drunk. Or if they’re dead.

If you want to mix, then Zeyork is definitely the one you need. Pickups with him and the people he gathers are generally very enjoyable.

Last edited by ups,



ye but if you promote that, then chances are good there will be tards, you know :D



tbh, I wouldn’t mind a new pickup, one that is actually decent with people using comms etc. I have lots of free time during the day but don’t know enough people online to mix etc. meh.



Quoted from Waebi

ye but if you promote that, then chances are good there will be tards, you know :D

rrrrrrawr.. old tards make me all warm.. hopefully he can arrange some milfs too :D



ZeyOrk mixes are fun, but not too much zey in your life.



Quoted from Nmx

ZeyOrk mixes are fun, but not too much zey in your life.

when i get a message at 4am i know who it is!

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