
Mouse Grip

Created 8th May 2009 @ 09:39

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Just read an intresting (isnt that strange?) thread on TF2 forums:

I want to ask some really good player that hang around here how they hold the mouse? I’m personally holding it with fingertips, but the statement about calligraphy made me wonder if holding it with palm is really more effective?



“claw” mostly for me, even though my mouse isnt THAT small.



an interesting thread on steam forums ??


Afaik it’s all about personal preference, some like to “claw” others like to “palm”.


RaWr ::

I think the most common answer will be holding it with your hand

Couldn’t resist! :D



palm !


There are two ways people play

The extremes that i can think of in the higher divs are nubonamission and fragga

From what ive heard fraggas high sensitivity so he probably plays like i used to by moving his mouse in little movements (handy for if your a twitch player etc)

Or nubonamission who is very low sens so probably lifts his mouse a lot

Having tried both I’m preferring low sensitivity because it feels like you have more control but it does impair your vision and means you cant spin around 24/7 without a bit of wrist ache.

Most of all though do what makes YOU comfortable and buy a mouse that is comfy for YOU or there is no point giving out lots of money for a mouse that you dont enjoy.

Id personally, after trying both, say i prefer full grip but if your higher sensitivity it will probably be pointless

Tapley ❤


Hahah Eon you fanboy! Studying up on the way your idols hold their mice ay? ;)

Claw ftw.



i throw my mouse from left to right and have my own monkey that presses the fire button!

claw = fail
palm = win


Tapley, its just i used to play with both and thats what you have to do to play well with high sens/ low sens

if you use the claw while low sens you cant twitch if you use palm while high sens you cant aim accurately

But yeah its just a guess by their sensitivity


palm for ever!



What is meant by “Palm” ?

I use both a palm grip and a claw grip.

The bottom of my hand is resting at the table and I have my palm pressed against the mouse.
Then I lean my hand slightly to the right and my fingers are used to do a claw grip ie, the fingertips are pushing the buttons while the rest of the fingers are a bit above the mouse (while my palm is resting on the other end of the mouse).



yeh I claw, palm doesnt rest on the mouse, neither my forearm nor upper arm moves at all, my wrist does all the work. This is the reason I play pocket rather than roamer as my main ability is at close range (esp vs scouts), whereas at distance I will find it hard to hit the correct spot due to the high sensitivity. Although I dont think I flick my shots, I might flick into the enemies direction but I’d never fire during the flick movement, far to inaccurate especially when the rocket seems to have a mind of its own when to come out of the launcher.





palm, my movements come from the wrist, my dodging is combined with strafing :)

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