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[PSA] Join up for Razer cups

Created 2nd August 2015 @ 00:31

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Quoted from ondkaja


Didn’t realise you can’t play for two entire months because you are going to a LAN, sorry. :D

Nah, just another excuse.

This might come as a shock to you, but teams arrange pcws… especially to prepare for lans and a season… Why participate in a cup, that can end after the first game for you, and then you are stuck with no decent opponents. Or you might get no practice at all out of it.
Lots and lots of teams are trialing people around. A cup is not what you want for that imo.
Also “Nah, just another excuse.” is an excuse in itself, to not change anything on the system that obviously isn’t working for whatever reason.

Last edited by doks,


(ETF2L Donator)

just play in the cup



Quoted from doks


This might come as a shock to you, but teams arrange pcws… especially to prepare for lans and a season… Why participate in a cup, that can end after the first game for you, and then you are stuck with no decent opponents. Or you might get no practice at all out of it.
Lots and lots of teams are trialing people around. A cup is not what you want for that imo.
Also “Nah, just another excuse.” is an excuse in itself, to not change anything on the system that obviously isn’t working for whatever reason.

I have played this game since forever and so have you. I know how hard it can be to organise teams, so people always come up with excuses so they don’t have to. Well, to answer your point:

Playing in an official setting is better practice than playing in a PCW, reaching the grand final then trying to win under the pressure of being watched by hundreds of people. This is as close as the LAN experience you are going to come to in online matches. Getting destroyed every once in a while against better teams is a good learning experience too, and if you don’t get destroyed you know you can play well.

Also, deutschLAN is a highlander LAN and most of the players there aren’t playing 6v6 anyway so.



Quoted from doks


This might come as a shock to you, but teams arrange pcws… especially to prepare for lans and a season… Why participate in a cup, that can end after the first game for you, and then you are stuck with no decent opponents. Or you might get no practice at all out of it.
Lots and lots of teams are trialing people around. A cup is not what you want for that imo.
Also “Nah, just another excuse.” is an excuse in itself, to not change anything on the system that obviously isn’t working for whatever reason.

That’s no excuse either, we played the tournament last night, got knocked out by full tilt and then played drackks team at 21 for 2 maps. You can just add the leader of the other team that got knocked out and organise a game like that.



Thought the cups have been successful. I’ve watched some. They seem good testing/trialling ground for prem s22.



Regardless of excuses and whys and why nots. It’s a good well run cup where most people have an outside chance of playing for cash and failing that you’re guaranteed experience against people equal to or greater than your current skill level.

If you want to improve this is invaluable if you approach it correctly.


Quoted from Sideshow

The rule has nothing to do with why prem mixes are forming. If there was no rule like that they’d just make a new team every time. You’ve completely and utterly mixed up cause and effect.

And if you think you have a better chance of beating a prem team than a prem mix you’re delusional. You’re making excuses to yourself for why you can’t be bothered signing up and why it won’t be useful / fun.

It’s all just bollocks you’re talking! You can beat a prem mix easier, it will build your teamwork as you have to play together rather than attempt to out-DM them, and you’ll identify weak areas rather than just getting outplayed by a team. There’s far better chances of an upset if it’s a mix rather than a full team, it’s just obvious.

i have participated in like 6 cups so far and didn’t have a single good experience.
it might be easier to beat low prem mixes but they’re a lot more frustrating to play against (if you question this then we just have a different opinion) than a team that plays coordinated. as i said, to open and mid teams, pcws are more fun and better practise, so stop wondering why they won’t sign up.
also im pretty sure that if they had to make a new team everytime many people cba to do that for the off chance of beating epsilon to retrieve 12 dollars each

imo these cups aren’t succesful atm, they have the potential to fill up entirely everytime if you got lower level teams to join so 12 teams on good days is disappointing

if you answer every concern/criticism towards the cups as “you’re too lazy to play” then they won’t improve

Silver Tosspot


I agree with letto. Even if you don’t want to listen to him, at least listen to the results, something must be wrong here.


(ETF2L Donator)

if you are done discussing, come and PLAY!

only 3 of 16 teams signed up for today :c


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

worst website backend ever



Quoted from Silver Tosspot

I agree with letto. Even if you don’t want to listen to him, at least listen to the results, something must be wrong here.

Whats wrong with the results?


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Jose


Whats wrong with the results?

not enough people are signing up


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

Quoted from skeej

worst website backend ever

lol called it

but its actually one of the biggest backends ever

which is a problem

in the future, one service goes down and the whole internet wont work anymore



The Gaming Grids cup has been moved to Wednesday since people have had trouble signing up due to technical issues. Please sign up for the Wednesday cup if you can, and we will have the big tournament on Thursday.

Last edited by ondkaja,



LF a team for tonight high/prem pocket/roamer

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