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Discussion Thread: s20 unlocks

Created 14th December 2014 @ 20:02

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Quoted from Starkie

i dont see why this is causing so much fuss
these unlocks make next to no difference apart from maybe the shortstop (i havent actually used it, but it looks pretty good)


UbeR |

After 18 seasons of ETF2L nothing gives more joy on the late night than these “DONT TRY AYTHING NEW BECAUSE IM A LAZY GAMER” topics. Keep it up.



Quoted from Starkie

i dont see why this is causing so much fuss
these unlocks make next to no difference apart from maybe the shortstop (i havent actually used it, but it looks pretty good)

Apparently unlocks are somewhat of a trigger for some people…

I’ve mixed a bit with new unlocks last night and unsurprisingly no one kept using any of the unlocks longer than a map. Cowmangler was used a fair bit, but the reload times appear to balance the weapon in comparison to the stock launcher.
A scout was using the short stop with average success, doubt it’ll become a replacement for the scatter.
Only weapon i see getting used outside specific niche situations is the ambassador.


Quoted from Arthur

Maybe the pocketpistol could be allowed also in order to stop too many scouts ragequitting the game xD

I don’t even know dh is that good against scouts, just don’t take a close range fight without a buff. Also pocket pistol is pretty much a straight upgrade to pistol and would make scouts way too strong unlike all of these other weapons which are kind of niche in their use.



I didn’t know that about the cowmangler, also it has a slightly smaller splash, that makes it seem more of a sidegrade then.

Fisherman Mamadu


direct hit is op in the hands of a nice pocket
roamer doesn’t have any big upgrades, because cow-mangler is shit, it takes forever to shot, reload and splash is reduce. maybe liberty launcher might do good in bombings (don’t know didn’t test that)
shortstop it will upset many people. that shit takes a lot of damage

basically the meta will stay the same except for some few players who will prefer playing with direct hit, ambassador and shortstop


(a boT from the North)

Quoted from ash

A scout was using the short stop with average success, doubt it’ll become a replacement for the scatter.

wow them banter, how rudey 8)



Quoted from Toba


wow them banter, how rudey 8)

I dunno about you but i heard him shed bitter tears all day long!


Quoted from baccart

It is clear that our 6v6 community is changing their point of view on how competitive TF2 should look like. It feels like pubs and ESEA are becoming more and more an aspirations for ETF2L.


I feel like most of these unlocks won’t change anything and it’s like a subtle message to VALVE:”Hey look, we’re letting to use more weapons. Could you support us now?”
But I doubt they will hear or do anything about it.
ETF2L admins should make priorities straight:
a) Allow new unlocks to tempt new players to join 6v6
b) Try to maintain 6v6 as serious as possible, because that’s what most old players want
From my point of view it is very unlikely to accomplish both at the same time.

Yesterday I watched our glory prem players to play with all the crazy unlocks and it was fun for a while and then got boring and even irritative to watch all those gimmicks in action. It felt more like a warm-up, Highlander or some small pub THAN HIGHEST LEVEL TF2.

I don’t think that it is good for our community which now splits into 2 camps:
a) F**k old stuff, we want new and fresh 6v6
b) Don’t make 6v6 a bigger joke than it is right now

And I have to join camp b. We are pretty huge but we should not sell out ourselves. We never will be that huge competitive game and we should stay to the roots, don’t eliminate things that let us love 6v6 format in the first place. We (actually I) want TF2 to be based on skill as much as possible and least on random stuff and gimmicks.

Please save TF2, it’s not dead yet.




Quoted from baccart

“No league for old player” (2014) imdb 3.3/10 rating

Will we leave no choice for players that like a kinda vanilla competitive tf2?

…And also this

Last edited by rockie,


(Big Poppa)

Loving the shortstop. Going to experiment with it a lot.


Quoted from Fisherman Mamadu

direct hit is op in the hands of a nice pocket

It absolutely is not. Look at ESEA you never see it used in high levels. Last time I saw it it used was by mackey on gravel pit to take down a sentry and that was seasons ago.



Im down to play with all the unlocks most of them are never going to be used anyway only in super specific situations which i like because it gives abit more diversity to the game.
p.s except the op scout gun ( 2op


(ETF2L Donator)

i love how every year everyone complains about the new unlocks and then we play a season and nothing changes because nobody uses them anyway except when a specific situation presents itself



Quoted from birdy

i love how every year everyone complains about the new unlocks and then we play a season and nothing changes because nobody uses them anyway except when a specific situation presents itself

Why do we need unlocks that are useless and never used except trolling? Then there is lack of reasoning for adding them in a first place.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from baccart


Why do we need unlocks that are useless and never used except trolling? Then there is lack of reasoning for adding them in a first place.

why ban things that don’t need banning?

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