UGC Banned All Non-Stock Taunts
Created 9th September 2014 @ 04:59
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Given the reoccurring feedback about taunt exploits, particularly from the Love and War Update, UGC has decided to ban all non-stock taunts from the game.
This can be seen in UGC’s updated whitelist.
There has been some unhappy feedback from players.
What is the general opinion of taunt and item exploits in ETF2L? Is the potential for items such as taunts to be exploited justified by a complete ban?
bunch of nerds, instead of talking about taunts they should be talking about what the fuck is koth_ramjam and what is it doing as regular season map
Quoted from roban
what the fuck is koth_ramjam
what the fuck is that map rofl I have never ever heard of it
Banning all of them seems a bit extreme,but if that’s what they think is necessary to keep people from abusing taunts so be it.
I personally think that banning the ones that you can manually cancel at any time (conga,high5,flip etc.) is enough,all the other taunts have practically the same effect as stock taunts ,just a visual difference
shouldnt ban conga, it makes noise. ruins the immersion of the game
Quoted from roban
bunch of nerds, instead of talking about taunts they should be talking about what the fuck is koth_ramjam and what is it doing as regular season map
Oh the UGC bashing has started early this season, great
what kind of fucking casual actually cares about having taunts allowed in the cfg?
Quoted from hr
what kind of fucking casual actually cares about having taunts allowed in the cfg?
Isn’t UGC player base made from casual players? As such I don’t understand the move either.
Quoted from moursi
brb setting up a petition :^)
Good, then i can eat chicken in setup time again :>
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