can we please get a new HL mix site?
Created 27th June 2014 @ 20:56
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Someone should make a tf2pickup HL group and make announcements whenever we want a HL mix happening. I am willing to make one if people here want it.
That’s the problem everyone thinks someone should do something and not actually do something himself.
Last edited by Hajdzik,
Quoted from b33p
I don’t follow, what do you mean by editing? IIRC you just type your name in the box. But there was sometimes the odd ‘tard who would keep trying to overwrite, but one PM to the host normally ironed that problem out.
You used to be able to copy-paste and write by just double-clicking. Then suddenly it became retarded, where you had to edit the sheet manually to put in your name, and it took forever, especially if you wanted to do a single-mix. I am assuming that was an update on googles side, because that was annoying. Still prefered it though
Last edited by Scissors,
Let’s play some highlander then shall we
Quoted from Max
Someone should make a tf2pickup HL group and make announcements whenever we want a HL mix happening. I am willing to make one if people here want it.
Sure thing we will do this. Give us few days to fix some stuff on the website and we will have this group created! ^^
No offense but the problem here is not on tf2pickup side.
We have the site, infrastructure and servers ready for any number of HL players or pickups. The gamemode support was announced and publicized plenty of times and tf2pickup was involved and sponsored various events to promote these pickups.
All to no success because the community is too stubborn and at the time was concentrated on the irc mixes.
You don’t need someone to organize stuff for you, just open the site, add to a pickup, call some friends and wait for it to fill, eventually if the community starts gathering there it can gain momentum very easily
Its really funny because even the server is handled by tf2pickup and people still want to use tf2center for easymixes xD
Quoted from quell
also the season is over.that said, last year the colony spreadsheet was BOOMING BUSINESS. there were mixes every day (multiple!!) during summer. tbh i loved the sheet, much more fun than irc. (at least i had a great time that summer)
bring back the spreadsheet? as long as you have a few consistent mix hosters (i did a bunch every week back then) you will have a good time.
Quoted from EmilioEstevez
Still exists. I always preferred the spreadsheet, it eliminated a lot of the waiting for these things to start.
Quoted from Scissors
Spreadsheet was great until they made it really impractical with the way you had to edit your names in. The main reason it was so great though, was the ability to arrange prem-level single-mixes if you couldn’t get games. Something I’ve missed being able to.
+1 , I also preferred the sheet cause it almost always had a skill ceiling. The old colony summer mixes were loads of fun.
Last edited by Toba,
Quoted from Toba
+1 , I also preferred the sheet cause it almost always had a skill ceiling. The old colony summer mixes were loads of fun.
Skill floor isn’t it?
Quoted from Enders Flame
Skill floor isn’t it?
Looks like the spreadsheet is starting up again, nice job.
I still don’t get it why people would prefer using an archaic method by hand (spreadsheet) when you have a huge infrastructure like tf2pickup prepared to handle this and we actually have a working balancing system
Quoted from Kaneco
I still don’t get it why people would prefer using an archaic method by hand (spreadsheet) when you have a huge infrastructure like tf2pickup prepared to handle this and we actually have a working balancing system
We often don’t have enough high level HL players willing to mix at one time to keep a pickup active, but the spreadsheet allows us to gather 18 people over several hours without having anybody waiting around all that time. Also because its done by hand it means a lot of the skill policing is more effective as the mix organiser has ultimate control rather than some arbitrary set of rules.
Oh and you can schedule several mixes at once.
Last edited by EmilioEstevez,
Quoted from Kaneco
I still don’t get it why people would prefer using an archaic method by hand (spreadsheet) when you have a huge infrastructure like tf2pickup prepared to handle this and we actually have a working balancing system
You can put your name down on the spreadsheet during the day and then know you’ll have a half-decent game on the class you want later on.
Quoted from LaMqTa
Sure thing we will do this. Give us few days to fix some stuff on the website and we will have this group created! ^^
when you’re done and ready could you create a post about it in forum? would maybe get more people into HL mixing.
Quoted from Jaakarhu
when you’re done and ready could you create a post about it in forum? would maybe get more people into HL mixing.
We will use our topic in the ETF2L forums about news dedicated to the website. Also there is already an annoucement group for subs and also spamming annoucements when we need players to fill a pickup – but might create a new one only for HL!
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